Dell Tablet Leaked And Brings In Some Negative Criticism For 'Weak Specs'

May 29, 2012

Neowin, they now have their hands on a leaked Latitude 10 tablet’s parts and pieces. This is an entry model, probably $300-400, while I’m not super-impressed by the specs, considering this sounds like an entry-level model, they aren’t too bad. It features a 32-nanometer dual-core Clover Trail, 2GB DRR2-800 memory, a 10.1-inch 1366×768 display and possibly a stylus, and 128GB SSD storage. Probably one of the cooler and more useful features are swappable batteries. Dell hasn’t had the smoothest sailing in tablet territory so far, so it remains to see how good this model will do- but it sounds like a good start. That being said, if this model ends up past $400, then I’d say its specs look a little weak. This is just one example of many tablets we’ve seen that are going to support Windows 8, and for the most part it seems that the Vista problem is gone. That being said, I’m curious about regulation of Windows 8 x86 tablets. I know that ARM is going to be a bit more controlled, but on the x86 is there anything to stop some dubious-quality brand from creating a bunch of lower end Windows 8 tablets that don’t run so well? Of course it would probably take more than a few bad apples to ruin the bunch, with Vista I’d say at least 30% of the PCs on the market at the time had Vista issues, probably more. Not everyone is as confident about hardware specs in the early Windows 8 x86 tablets we’ve seen. It seems that PC World  is already comparing x86 tablets, the Dell leak in particular, to their laptop counterparts, asking questions like why would anyone want to pay $100-$300 more for a tablet that has the same specs as an entry-laptop? This is one of the reasons I think that ARM entry-devices will do better than x86.. they won’t get compared to laptops as much, instead getting compared to iPad and Android- where I think Windows 8 competes quite nicely. What do you think? Is there any chance that Windows 8 will have a future similar to Windows Vista, or is success in the cards? There was a time I was leaning towards believing that Windows 8’s future was dim, but more and more, I find reasons to be impressed with Windows 8. What do you think of the Dell tablet that was leaked, good enough specs for you to consider it? Share your thoughts below.]]>

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Windows 8 Tablets

Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.

All Comments

  • The display seem to be the big issue. If I were dell I will get a higher resolution. Secondly I will trim down the bezel. That thick bezel make it looks ugly.
    MS will run into problems it they let OEM to produce cheap products with very low specs that windows 8 can not effectively run on them. Yes, they will be cheap and affordable the majority of the average consumer will buy them, so expect more complaints and the popularity of windows 8 will go down fast. 
    MS should be pushing the OEM to come out with the top of the line product first. Yes they will be a little expensive but will built consumer confidence in windows 8.

    donzebe May 29, 2012 10:53 am Reply
  • i personally like Dell and will hopefully see a good price convertible with a smooth running device unlike the Inspiron duo

    Ezekiel Carsella May 29, 2012 12:31 pm Reply
  • I am not worried about the processor.  I have a 6 year old laptop that hums along on windows 8.  I guess a new atom processor should be as powerful as my old AMD Turion.  Connect it to an SD drive and I guess it moves along ok.  If you are going to downgrade from an i7 sandy bridge, I guess you might be disappointed, but then you should know better.  I do worry a bit about only 2GB of ram.  That seems like the likely bottleneck.  But unless you use something like 3D Max I think this machine should be pretty useable.  I would buy one if it isn’t that much more expensive than an ARM tablet.

    Rex May 30, 2012 7:52 am Reply

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