Windows PC Sales Continue to Decline, What Does That Mean?

January 4, 2013

According to Apple, we are in the post-PC world. According to Microsoft, we are in the PC+ world. Now matter how you spin it, PC sales are continuing to decline.

A few weeks back, NPD Group reported that PC sales in the first few weeks since the launch of Windows 8 were down 21% from the same period a year ago. Now NPD is back with updated information dealing directly with the 5-week holiday sales period from November 18th to December 22nd.

According to NPD, “Windows notebook holiday unit sales dropped 11 percent, on par with Black Friday, and similar to the yearly trend, but revenue trends weakened since Black Friday to end the holiday period down 10.5 percent.”

Other information indicated that about 4.5 percent of the sales of Windows 8 PCs were touch-based notebooks. So holiday sales are down from last year, overall sales are down from last year– what does this all mean?

Is the PC dead, or not? I’d say the answer isn’t as obvious or simple as that. Really, it depends on Windows 8 now more than ever. Windows 8 has the opportunity to do one of two things to the PC market:

Drive everyone away.

Windows 8 is different and has a sharp learning curve. It has received plenty of early criticism, but Windows is pretty much the only choice for desktop/laptop computers unless you have extra cash to spend on a Mac or are willing to learn Linux.

Most consumers won’t convert to Mac because they are looking for the cheapest routes possible. These same consumers want an easy to use experience, and probably won’t move to Ubuntu if things head south.

That means that if Windows 8 doesn’t eventually catch on, Microsoft could help drive non-business folks to the Android/iOS tablet world even faster.

Give PCs a new lease on life.

The disaster scenario where Windows kills the PC for all but the most hardcore or business-type users is a possibility, but so is the idea of PCs getting a renewed marketshare thanks to touchscreen PCs.

If Microsoft can convince people that Windows 8 is worth the learning curve, many consumers might eventually like the idea of all-in-one Touch Desktops that they can use for family PCs but also for family gaming devices for two-player sessions of games like “Fruit Ninja” and much more.

How do they get to scenario two?

Scenario one sees the realization of the idea that we are in the post-PC world, but the second scenario is about how PCs are evolving in a touch-centric and mobile-centric world. Talking about it is pretty easy. Getting there is much more difficult.

Microsoft needs to continue to push aggressive marketing and just ride the waves of criticism. It’s hard to remember so long ago, but many consumers had similar complaints when Windows 3.1 switched to the start menu in the first place.

The biggest difference here is that times have changed. There were no real alternatives to PCs and Windows back in the mid-90s. Now there is.

I am confident that Microsoft can realize the vision of a PC+ world were touch-centric PCs are a mainstay in the 21st century family’s house, but it isn’t going to be easy.

What do you think, is the tablet going to take over the PC or are we going to see a resurgence once people adapt to changes like touch PCs and the presence of leap motion-like technology?

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Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.

All Comments

  • We should really wait to see what happens when hybrids with Windows Pro come out and see what happens. Right now RT tablets and a couple tablets with ARM processors are out, I think once core i7 and i5 tablets come out things will change.

    When I went to Best Buy I looked a their laptop selection and I didn’t see any touch screen laptops. The Microsoft tablets were scattered and the Surface was hidden and had no power to it and on top of that sales people aren’t pushing Windows 8 devices. Its almost like stores are trying to hurt Windows 8 sales.

    I’m hoping this will change

    Robert Kegel January 4, 2013 3:55 pm Reply
  • I don’t know who’s fault is it, but for me, a consumer going through the shops it looks like retailers are going for the cheap win – hoping to ride the sales on Apple devices, while neglecting everything else. Manufacturers on the other hand, playing it safe with cheaper standard Windows 7 devices or Android tablets, waiting to see how Windows 8 will turn out. Consumers hearing all this talk about tablets and touch laptops, being careful with their moneys and waiting for exciting new products at a reasonable price. It appears that Microsoft is the only one that makes an effort (or can afford) to solve the puzzle.

    The PC is not dead, the PC is already owned. Consumer want to buy something new, but it has to be reasonably good and at an affordable price. I have a desktop and two laptops in the household. I want to buy a tablet, or replace one of the older laptops with either a convertible tablet (with keyboard and stand) or a touch laptop. Give me a good x86 Windows 8 product like that and I’ll buy one.

    Dan Dar3 January 4, 2013 7:00 pm Reply
  • It means that PC’s this year are just not much better than PC’s last year. My PC custom built to be awesome 3 years ago STILL out stats almost all the PC’s being sold NOW.

    Why buy???

    The only thing that’s changed is efficiency, and I’m not buying just for that. Hell Windows 8 I bought, but the PC to go with it I already have. It fights with my old graphics card I grabbed out of my 2nd last PC. So I will replace only that.

    Jason Deveau January 4, 2013 7:24 pm Reply
  • Second thought, I also wonder if they take into account that everything is getting more and more expensive and people cant replace all of their devices every black Friday?

    And to tie this with my first thought.

    Why replace if its not broken or outdated?

    Jason Deveau January 4, 2013 7:29 pm Reply
  • I don’t think the PC is dead or dying.
    I think PCs have come a long way and the speed increases have slown a lot compared to a few years ago – and because of that even power users can’t see the point in spending money to upgrade.
    The PC isn’t dead – we just don’t NEED to replace them as often as we used to.

    I bought Windows 8 and installed it on my 5yr old comp (back then top of the line) and it runs great.. I’m still not bothering to upgrade my hardware.

    However, I will be buying a Microsoft Surface Windows 8 Pro soon! 😀

    Kane Shaw January 4, 2013 11:08 pm Reply
  • CES days away, 1st new wave of Ultrabooks will be showcased , nothing like Windows 8

    khaled mourad January 5, 2013 4:15 pm Reply

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