Microsoft’s Financial Analysts Meeting Set For This Month, Press Not Invited

August 27, 2013

Technology giant Microsoft will hold a new meeting with financial analysts on September 19 to discuss the company’s recent performance and future plans, and it seems that journalists and members of the press are not on the invitation list.

In fact, no one is — save for the select few.

According to AllThingsD, journalists are asked to watch the live stream on Webcast. Microsoft wants everybody to watch the event online this year and listen to company officials and analysts discuss strategy and future outlook.

Amy Hood, Microsoft CFO announced this event with much fanfare back in July, saying at that time:

“In late September, we will host a financial analyst event here in Redmond at which point we will discuss our strategy, our new organizational structure, and any changes to our reporting segments. We will also give more thoughts on our full-year outlook at that time.”

So while everything from strategy to the company’s new organizational structure and predictions for the full fiscal year are on the agenda, a major new development means that Microsoft had to change a few things up — and the reason is rather obvious.

With Steve Ballmer now preparing to leave the company after a successor is found, Microsoft’s executives most likely want to focus on providing only the information they are supposed to reveal, instead of having to juggle a series of uncomfortable questions about Ballmer’s retirement.

Members of the press and media have been able to attend previous financial meetings, though they were not allowed to ask questions during the event.

Anyway, details should be out once the webcast airs.

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Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.

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