Tim Cook Believes Microsoft Is Copying Apple’s Strategy

September 19, 2013

Microsoft’s new plan of turning itself into a devices and services firm is something that regularly makes headlines. Now Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO, has something to say on the matter.

In a detailed interview with Bloomberg, Cook opined that Redmond is actually copying Apple’s strategy, and the recent Nokia acquisition is nothing but proof of this.

The Apple leader thinks that Microsoft is actually struggling to innovate — bringing something new to the market is the only way to remain an important player in this increasingly competitive technology industry. And there is where the maker of Windows is faltering.

Innovate, Cook says, instead of looking into Apple’s yard for new ideas:

“Everybody is trying to adopt Apple’s strategy. We’re not looking for external validation of our strategy, but I think it does suggest that there’s a lot of copying, kind of, on the strategy and that people have recognized that importance. I think Nokia is a reminder to everyone in business that you have to keep innovating and that to not innovate is to die.”

This, obviously, is not the first time in history Microsoft is accused of following its fruity rival.

Nevertheless, Microsoft is right now busy expanding its product offerings and its hardware line up, along with ensuring that its new software platforms hit the desired level of market share. This means teaming up with its PC and mobile hardware partners to deliver an optimized experience.

At the same time, it’s hard to deny that company was actually rather late to the party – by a fair few years at that. And this makes competition a couple of levels harder that what Apple, Google or even Samsung had to fight for in the early days.

Still, it will be interesting hearing what you guys think of Cook’s views above. Put the comment section below to good use.

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Microsoft · Windows Phone 8

Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.

All Comments

  • Cook sucked on jobs straw leading to his koolaid pool way to long. apple doesn’t make anything, and MS is in the process of aquiring the facilities to make/manufacture devices.

    javajolt September 19, 2013 8:23 am Reply
  • Is this going to be Monthly thing, Cook or former Apple execs coming out to make comments about Microsoft? What Apple did wasn’t a strategy. It was survival. They had to make devices work or they would have ended as nothing more than a niche company. Trends change in industries. When that happens, does that mean everyone is copying off the first few companies that were a part of that change? The PC war is over. Apple lost that. Google is killing them in Mobile. They’re doing they’re best to keep Microsoft at bay, hoping they’re not able to convert even a portion of Windows users over to mobile users, and no one starts to realize Apple has been peddling them overpriced products for such a long time. Apple probably can’t afford for Microsoft to even cut 3-4% into it’s market share.

    Ray C September 19, 2013 11:02 am Reply
    • Yep Ray, sounds like they’re running scared (Apple, that is). Innovation is something they are lacking themselves, looking at their latest iPhone offerings. Ho hum!

      Rodney Longoria September 19, 2013 8:55 pm Reply
  • Hmmm…. “The Apple leader thinks that Microsoft is actually struggling to innovate” Yeah, Tim, how is that ‘innovation’ coming along in Appleville? Hmmmm….those iToy 5’s were…well just…. meh. Sameol’, sameol’. It is clear sign when the competition starts throwing ‘stuff’ on the fan, it means they are getting nervous. It is a game of leapfrog…..and I think Tim realized he just got jumped by #3. Or maybe Tim wishes his iToy manufacturer was in Europe like Microsoft……

    DCJason September 19, 2013 8:59 pm Reply
  • Isn’t it Cook that is coping Job’s strategy?

    Mike Greenway September 21, 2013 12:44 pm Reply

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