study just published by GFI Labs goes over the various platforms (mobile, desktop and server), and tries to shed some light on the overall security of these products. Redmond actually had to fix a total of 344 security vulnerabilities in 2013. Back in 2012, the corresponding figure came in at 169, confirming that while there is much to do still to keep software water tight and secure, the company is clearly up to the task. As the report states:
“There has been an overall increase in number of vulnerabilities for all operating systems, irrespective of brand – Microsoft or Linux. Microsoft’s operating systems once again took top spot, overtaking Apple iOS, which had the highest number of vulnerabilities last year.”Overall, Windows actually remained the most targeting operating system in 2013 (surprise!), with Windows Server 2008 being affected by 104 vulnerabilities last year. The flaw count for Windows 7 and Windows Vista came in at 100 and 96, respectively, while Windows XP had an interesting figure of 88. Speaking of the number itself, Windows 8 is rather secure, as its tally of vulnerabilities was amounted to just 58. Unsurprisingly, Internet Explorer also had a high flaw count, and was again, one of the most targeted software round with 128 reported vulnerabilities in 2013, up from only 41 the preceding year.]]>
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