Here Are More Details About The Windows XP Flaw That Will Never Be Fixed

April 30, 2014

reached end of support earlier this month. Microsoft already detailed the vulnerability a couple of days ago in a security advisory, confirming that attacks that are exploiting this flaw have already been spotted. And now the company has posted a revision explaining that investigation continues on this serious matter. In fact, it might even speed up the release of a patch. Now normally, the software titan fixes issues like this on Patch Tuesday, but depending on the severity of the situation, it often rolls them out a bit sooner. Here is what the company says:

“On completion of our investigation, Microsoft will take the appropriate action to protect our customers, which may include providing a solution through our monthly security update release process, or an out-of-cycle security update, depending on customer needs.”
The flaw, as you might be aware, affects all versions of Internet Explorer, this side of IE 10 and IE 11, as these newer versions of the browser are protected from these exploits. And even though there have been calls from the Windows XP community to fix this flaw, and then retire the operating system, chances are that the operating system and the associated browser version are going to remain vulnerable to attacks.]]>

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Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.

All Comments

  • Just get your butts of XP.

    Ray C April 30, 2014 10:43 am Reply
  • I don’t understand. I thought Microsoft was stopping these kinds of security updates. Is this because of a potential lawsuit? I don’t get it.

    Wayne S April 30, 2014 12:52 pm Reply
    • It’s totally OK if they stop fixing the bug. But if they do, that only shows they really care their customers. Then I really feel ashamed of those XP users who still badmouth MS.

      WillyThePooh April 30, 2014 4:03 pm Reply
      • I get that, Willy. What I don’t get is why the customers expect so much. Seems ridiculous to me. People don’t expect to have TVs from 10 years ago replaced on a warranty if it starts having problems.

        Jake April 30, 2014 5:05 pm Reply
        • If you have experience servicing customers, then you know some are just not logical.

          WillyThePooh April 30, 2014 8:58 pm Reply

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