Week In Review (Jan 26 – Jan 30)

January 30, 2015

Week In Review returns with a vengeance! While Windows 10 was still the primary focus all month around, Microsoft made movements in other several other areas — from announcing Office 16 release date to its quarterly earnings. This, to go with a bunch of important app launches.

Some subtle highlights from the week:

Number of the Week

Microsoft held its quarterly earnings call at the start of this week, reporting revenue of $26.5 billion. And although the company made notable progress in several areas, the area which it is known for, operating systems, had a less than stellar showing. Windows 10 could not come soon enough.

Style of the Week

When it comes to user interface designs, dark themes are the in thing at the moment. VideoLAN, the developers of the popular VLC media player think so to, unleashing a sleek dark theme for VLC for Windows Phone. This new version also brings with its enhanced support for 720p playback.

Introduction of the Week

Windows tablets are slowly making their mark on the technology world. Several companies have purchased these devices, and Alaska Airlines became the newest one to introduce Windows powered slates for inflight entertainment on its planes. Another small success in the grand scheme of things.

Launch of the Week

Microsoft made a $200 million purchase of Acompli last year, and after a quick rebranding effort, the software titan launched official Outlook apps on two of its competing mobile platforms, iOS and Android. Both applications have been well received. Time now for some updates.

Offer of the Week

Buy one get two offers have their own unique charm, and although this is not exactly the case here, Microsoft is giving away a Lumia 435 with every purchase of the Lumia 535 in Italy. Surely a tactic to clear inventory of the latter device, but a splendid deal nonetheless for those seeking budget devices.

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Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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