Rumors continue that Windows 8 will have some kind of (hopefully optional) Metro type interface in the OS.
The Metro style is becoming increasingly used by Microsoft.
It is currently being tested as Microsoft’s new homepage welcome screen: allowing you to change from home user to professional pages by sliding the page and content being presented as hubs.
Check out Microsoft’s homepage here.. Link
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It would be a logical move for microsoft to integrate the windows 7 phone experience to windows 8. It would be a very similar move to apple with osx lion, where it will feature the new launch pad/ control thing. Personally I think it looks good as a web-interface, and possibly on desktop software, not sure how this would look as an OS interface, however im sure that Microsoft could make it work. We always have windows classic ui option left:D.
I found this Metro Dynamis, is great to develop these new Metro Style Applications. Check it out at