May 2020 Update Still Blocked On Several Surface Devices

July 8, 2020
Surface Hardware

Oh dear, oh dear. If you are a Surface owner and have been unable to install the newly released Windows 10 May 2020 Update on your machine, then you are not alone.

Microsoft put a compatibility hold on these devices after discovering some issues with the update.

It was reported that the company has removed the update block on the Surface Pro 7 and the Surface Laptop 3 at least. But there is now word that these two devices are still unable to install this latest release of the operating system.

Including Mary Jo Foley, who is still unable to install the May 2020 Update on her Surface Laptop 3.

She reached out to Microsoft about the issue, but the software titan is yet to explain what is happening. And when she tweeted this out, she got replies from Surface Go, Surface Pro X, Surface Book 2, and Surface Book 3 owners that they have also been unable to deploy.

Meaning, the issue is widespread enough.

It’s quite strange to see Microsoft’s own Surface hardware unable to install the latest version of Windows 10 immediately — one that was released after extensive testing by Insiders and several months of bug fixing by Redmond.

Fact is, Microsoft and its partners were unable to fix all compatibility issues before public release.

Combine this with the reality that Microsoft is yet to comment about this latest development, and the situation gets even more surprising. This is an issue that goes beyond Surface hardware, as several other modern devices from makers like Dell and also affected.

Telling times!

Article Categories:
Featured · Hardware · Microsoft Surface · Problems · Windows 10

Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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