Microsoft Flight Simulator Gets VR Support

July 30, 2020
Microsoft Flight Simulator VR

And it is coming to Steam as well! As we near the launch of Microsoft Flight Simulator next month, two neat little nuggets of information have come up regarding this highly anticipated game.

Both announced officially by Microsoft

First being that it will receive virtual reality play support following launch.

The game got confirmed for TrackIR support yesterday, with developer Asobo Studio saying that these two features were some of the most requested ones by the community — for good reason too, as the title is downright perfect for VR.

Only caveat being that virtual reality support will arrive alongside the launch of the HP Reverb G2 headset. This upcoming device is special in the sense that not only does it pack in the latest in VR technology, both Microsoft and Valve have collaborated on it.

Flight Simulator will arrive on other VR systems, though, even if it remains unclear when.

Carrying on the hardware news, Asobo is also working with sim accessory manufacturers to improve support for the game. If you own Honeycomb Aeronautical, Logitech G, Thrustmaster and Virtual Fly hardware, then there is a lot to look forward to.

Speaking of stuff to look forward to, there is a fair bit of content coming after launch. The developer plans to introduce free world updates, themed DLC packs, and more.

An updated roadmap is being prepared behind the scenes.

To round things off, Microsoft has also opened up preorders for the game on Steam. These are open for the Standard, Deluxe, and Premium Deluxe editions of the game.

Microsoft Flight Simulator will hit Steam alongside Windows 10 and Xbox Game Pass, August 18.


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Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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