Acer Has A Change Of Heart, Believes Windows 8 Crisis Is Almost Over

May 8, 2013

It seems that not a week passes by when we are not graced with statements from Acer regarding Microsoft’s hardware strategy or the impact Windows 8 has had on PC sales.

Acer was, as you may well be aware, one of the first entrants in the criticize Windows 8 game.

Executives from the hardware company have constantly attacked Microsoft’s newest operating system in the media, blaming the OS for creating confusion among buyers, and even condemning Redmond for its hardware ambitions.

For them, the technology titan was trying to destroy the ecosystem with its Surface tablets.

But now the winds of change are blowing. JT Wang, the company’s chairman has completely changed his views on the matter. In fact, he now believes that Microsoft is actually trying to help the PC industry. The only question is what took him so long.

He was quoted as saying by the Wall Street Journal as:

“The sense of crisis is falling. Even if they (Microsoft) are still doing the Surface, they do it cautiously and have become more considerate in dealing with partners in the ecosystem.”

So yeah, not only is Microsoft helping the faltering PC industry, even its Surface tablets are not damaging the PC industry. Companies, like people, sure do change.

Despite the criticism, Acer still is one of the companies that have bet heavily on Windows 8, and the hardware vendor looks set to continue doing so in the future, particularly now with the release of Windows Blue fast approaching.

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Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.

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