Edge continues to gain steady market share

August 1, 2022

Now, that’s what I like to hear at the start of a new month! Visitor statistics firm Statcounter is here with its latest numbers for the worldwide browser market share, and things continue to get interesting.

According to the data provided about the most popular browsers on different platforms for July 2022, Microsoft Edge continued its steady climb in its quest to disrupt Google Chrome’s undisputed reign.

Last month, it reached a share of 10.84%, some 0.2 points up compared to June 2022.

And just how steep a climb up the mountain it is for Edge?

Well, since Chrome retains its dominant position with a massive 66.19% market share, the journey is long, way too long. But good old Edge can always count on a little help from the king itself, as even with this titanic share, Chrome went down 0.74 points last month.

Every little bit helps, as they say.

Statcounter Browsers July 2022

Safari was listed as the third most popular desktop browser, with an unchanged 8.94% share. News that might not be too pleasing to hear for Firefox, which is keeping up with around 8.08%. Thankfully, the Mozilla creation also has the good fortune of increasing its standings by 0.28 points.

Speaking of, no good browser talk will be complete without a mention of Internet Explorer.

The vintage web browser may have sailed into the sunset, but even in retirement, about 0.75% of the user base still uses it. Either they are forced to use IE or are unable to move to newer and supported browsers.

Still, that is some dedication for a piece of technology that is decades old at this point!

You can check out the latest report on the official website.

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Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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