Fan Creates Beautiful Surface Phone Renders

December 19, 2017

And they’re about as close to the real thing as they can get right now! We’ve seen several Surface Phone concepts before, good and great, but this new one is kind of special.

That’s because it uses the latest patents of the rumored device that made their way out, as reference.

Designed by a designer at heart, David Breyer, these renders are absolutely beautiful, and hint at a unique kind of a device, if this mythic phone ever comes to fruition. Which it actually might, as wind is blowing that way.

Envisioned from the information originally included in these patents, these renders do an excellent job of highlighting the unique hinge mechanism that Microsoft is going for.

Take a look:

They make use of the same design language that the Redmond based company uses for its hardware products, particularly the Surface family. It even makes use of the typical Surface colors, namely burgundy and cobalt blue.

Of course, the main idea here is to show off the new form factor that relies on two separate screens, and what could be a very innovative hinge.

Also in the mix is Surface Pen support that will allow owners to convert the Surface Phone from a simple phone to note taking device, using two displays to create one seamless screen when flat. Totally expected, as the same team that designs Surface hardware is in charge of this one.

Goes without saying that while these renders are based on the patent information, they don’t necessarily serve as confirmation that this is exactly what the device is going to look like when it launches.

If it launches.

Article Categories:
Hardware · Microsoft

Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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