Free Windows 10 Training

Lane FriesWelcome to the FREE Windows 10 Training section of the Redmond Cloud. My name is Lane Fries, I’m a Windows 10 expert (I’ve been working with it since it’s release) and my mission is to provide you with a clearer understanding of Windows 10.

Windows 10 is an incredible Operating System with lots of power and flexibility but you need to know how to use it in order to fully harness the benefits of the OS. If you would like an AD free experience, you can also purchase the ad-free training course here.

The videos below are arranged in alphabetical order for simplicity. I hope you enjoy the content.

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Accessing the Task manager, Quick Link menu, and Control + Alt + Delete

Account Settings

Action Center

Adjusting Audio Settings

Backing Up and Restoring

Bookmarking Important Websites

​Browsing and Editing Photos

​Browsing and Searching the Web

​Browsing Through Folders


​Changing Screen Resolution

​Changing Your Login Account Type

​Choosing Default Apps

​Configuring a Bluetooth Keyboard, Mouse, and other Peripherals

Configuring Windows Updates

​Connecting to Another Computer Over a Simple Network

​Connecting to the Internet

Connecting to Windows Server 2012

​Contact Support


​Creating, Copying, Moving, and Renaming Files and Folders

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​Customizing the Desktop Wallpaper and other visual details

​Deleting Files

Device Settings

​Downloading Files

​Ease of Access Settings

File Explorer

​Get Started App

​Groove Music

​How to Control Sound Input and Output Devices

​How to Record Your Screen

​How to Reset a PC That’s Not Running Well

​How to Setup OneDrive synced files

​Identifying and troubleshooting your Computer’s hardware using Device Manager

​Installing Applications

​Introducing File Explorer

​Launching and Managing Applications

​Launching Applications from the Start Menu

​Local Account vs Microsoft Account

​Logging Into Windows 10


​Managing Several Desktops Using Task View

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​Managing User Accounts


​Maps and Location Services

​Marking Up a Page with Web Notes

​Microsoft Account

​Microsoft Edge

​Microsoft Passport

​Movies & TV without Watermark

​Multitasking to switch between multiple applications

​Network Settings

​Network Settings 2



​Optional Features

​Organizing items on the Desktop


​Personalization Settings

​Phone Companion


​Pinning Applications to the Start menu & taskbar, and customizing the Start menu

​Privacy Settings

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​Resetting Windows

​Reviewing Security Messages and Resolving Problems

​Security Overview

​Setting app Privacy and Permissions

​Setting Application Defaults

​Setting up a Printer

Setting Up Your ID

​Sharing Home Networks

​Skype and Windows 10

​Sleep and Screen Saver

​Sleep, Shutdown, and Restart

​Snap Functionality

​Solitaire in Windows 10

​Sports in Windows 10

​Start Menu Tour

​Switching to Tablet Mode

​System Settings

​Task Switcher

​The Home Page or Home Screen

​The Money App

​Time & Language Settings

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​Troubleshooting and Updating

​Understanding Modifier Keys and Keyboard Shortcuts

​Update and Security Settings

​Upgrading to Windows 10

​Using an External Drive or Memory Stick

​Using Remote Desktop

​Using Shortcuts to Files and Folders

​Using the Calendar

​Using the People app to Manage an Address Book

​Using the Reading List and Reading View

​Using the Weather App

​Using Touch Screen Controls in Windows

​Using Voice Commands in Cortana

​Using Windows Defender to Protect Against Malware


​Viewing and Clearing History

​Voice Recorder


​What Is Windows 10

​Windows Feedback

​Windows Hello

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​Windows Media Player

​Windows Store

​Working with Edge and Internet Explorer

​Working With Mail, People, and Calendar

​Working with Notifications

​Working with the Mail App


​Zipping and Unzipping packages


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