How to access Windows Tools in Windows 11

Windows Tools is a new addition to Windows 11. This is handy collection of administrative tools in a single location that lets you better manage your computer from under one roof.

You have tools like Command Prompt, Control Panel, Event Viewer, Run, and more collected at one place. In previous versions of the operating system, these were called Administrative Tools. But Microsoft has renamed them in the latest release.

Let’s open this toolbox.

What exactly is Windows Tools?

This is simply a collection of system utilities under one banner. In Windows 10, you can find and launch these tools from the Start Menu. But in Windows 11, all of them have been conveniently placed in a single folder called Windows Tools.

These utilities come in handy when you want to tweak some advanced settings in your system, conduct diagnostics or monitor performance. Nothing of particular note is new here, with this new location simply serving as a site where these system applets now reside.

Even the good old WordPad has a new home here!

Windows Tools

Which tools are available in Windows Tools?

Previously going by as Administrative Tools, this location houses pretty much all the system utilities that Microsoft has packed in Windows 11 to help you better manage and maintain your computer. All the key names are here, many of which you may already be familiar with.

As of this writing, this folder contains a total of 36 tools, including:

  • Component Services
  • Computer Management
  • Defragment and Optimize Drives
  • Disk Cleanup
  • Event Viewer
  • iSCSI Initiator
  • Local Security Policy
  • ODBC Data Sources (32-bit)
  • ODBC Data Sources (64-bit)
  • Performance Monitor
  • Print Management
  • Recovery Drive
  • Registry Editor
  • Resource Monitor
  • Services
  • System Configuration
  • System Information
  • Task Scheduler
  • Windows Firewall with Advanced Security
  • Windows Memory Diagnostic

Microsoft will likely dump more system utilities here, going forward. That’s because this is now a central location from where users can access all these core system tools in the operating system.

How to open Windows Tools?

There are several methods to open Windows Tools in Windows 11. You can get access to this special folder from either the Start Menu or even get to it from the File Explorer. Good to have these option in case you are in pickle with your system not responding as you want it to.

Following are 4 ways you can open Windows Tools:

Open Windows Tools through the Start Menu

The easiest way. You can find Windows Tools from the app list in the Start Menu. Simply open it and go to Start > All apps, and scroll down to the W section. There you will locate Windows Tools laying snug. Click to open it.

Windows Tools Tutorial

Search and locate Windows Tools

Windows Search is a great way to find apps and applets installed on your system, and you can us it to locate Windows Tools as well. Click the Search icon in the Taskbar, type windows tools in the search box, and then select the first search result to open it.

Windows Tools Tutorial

There are some additional options available here on the right. These include Pin to Start and Pin to taskbar, and you can use them to pin this special folder right where you want it.

Launch Windows Tools via the Control Panel

The trusty old classic Control Panel also includes a direct link to Windows Tools. Open Control Panel by searching for it, and then expand the options next to View by and select Large icons. In this view, you can open Windows Tools by clicking on its icon near the very end.

Windows Tools Tutorial

Access Windows Tools from File Explorer

It is also possible to copy and paste a special path in File Explorer to access the Windows Tools folder. Unlike the above methods, you will see a different location here. That’s because this directly opens the Start Menu location where the shortcuts to these applets are placed.

Windows Tools Tutorial

Press Winkey + E to open File Explorer. Then copy and paste the following path to the address bar, and hit the Enter key: %ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Windows Tools.

This will open the Windows Tools location mentioned above, though with links to only 20 items.


Windows Tools handily collects all the key system utilities in one convenient location for you to help manage your system. This is an important location, one where Microsoft might continue to move tools and applets as it finishes up its transition from the Control Panel to the Setting app.