Insiders Can Now Download ISOs For Windows 10 20H1 RTM

February 25, 2020
Windows 10 ISO

Microsoft has just released ISOs for Windows 10 20H1 RTM build to Insiders. The RTM build itself has been available since December, with the final bits set to ship in spring.

Also known as version 2004, this is the next major refresh of the operating system.

And if you were waiting for these ISO images of the RTM build to install, then you can do so now. As the company has made them available on the Insider download page, listing Windows 10 build 19041 both on the Fast and Slow rings of the preview program.

There still are no images of the current vNext builds, though, in case you were wondering.

But keeping in view the fact that this particular build was first released last year in December and has seen several cumulative updates to prepare it for general availability, this is a shaping up to be a feature update that has been serviced for a few months.

As for its ultimate release, being that it is expected to launch as version 2004, it is probably safe to say that April is when it will be generally available.

End of March may well see it being released for everyone, not just Insiders.

When that happens, you will be download the ISO using the Media Creation Tool. But until then, the Insider page is your best bet to grab your hands on this. Which you can do so from below.

Download: Windows 10 20H1 RTM ISO

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Melanie Russel lives in rural North Carolina. With a degree in statistics, his research interests include probability theory, time series analysis and network flow dynamics. When not geeking out over AI technologies, she is likely to be geeking over film, software or pretending to play the guitar.