Internet Explorer Keeps It Lead Ahead Of Chrome And Firefox

July 2, 2013

Internet Explorer easily retained its position as the most popular browser in the world for the month of June 2013, easily ahead of fierce rivals like Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome.

In fact, the newest statistics provided by market researcher Net Applications show that adoption of IE 10 is most definitely on the rise.

Overall, Internet Explorer was used on no less than 56.15 percent of connected computers last month. Mozilla Firefox claimed on the second spot with a market share of 19.15 percent, while Google Chrome came in third place with a 17.17 share of the market.

Breaking the data down to individual version numbers shows that Internet Explorer 10 has overtaken Firefox 21 and is currently going after Chrome 21.

IE 10 is installed on 13.52 percent of computers worldwide — corresponding figures for Firefox 21 and Google Chrome are 12.47 and 13.76 percent respectively. Internet Explorer 8 is the current king with a commanding 22.67 percent of the market to its name.

Microsoft is obviously close to finishing up work on Internet Explorer 11, and this new version of the company’s browser is set to be offered as the default web browser in Windows 8 RTM.

A test preview version has been released in Windows 8.1 Preview, while the final version is slated for released in October when the stable version of the next Windows release is expected to see daylight.

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Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.