IS it time to look past Windows 8 to Windows 9?

August 7, 2013

OK I’m not really trying to start some sh*t here but it’s a valid question that people are starting to ask me.

I’m starting to get the glazed look in the eyes when I ask about Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 and people have begun to say that they are looking ahead to Windows 9 to see what Microsoft will do.

I’m starting to wonder what a new version of Windows would offer to the masses differently from Windows 8.1.

Separation of the desktop from Metro

So I  have been told that Metro/Modern/Whatever is here to stay and will never be divorced from Windows. For better or worse, Microsoft have made this bed and are going to fully lay in it.

I remember that I used to think there should have been multiple SKUs of Windows 8.

  • Windows 8 Desktop
  • Windows 8 Hybrid – Desktop and Metro for Tablets
  • Windows 8 Metro for tablets
  • Windows Phone 8

etc etc

This wont happen because Microsoft have consistently refused to let people choose only the desktop. They (correctly I might add) assume that people would not switch to Metro/Modern if they had a sole desktop alternative.

I have to be honest and say that I honestly have NO CLUE as to what Windows 9 could or should offer. It feels like Windows 8/Windows 8.1 hasn’t even had enough time to really settle and that a Windows 9 might be premature.

The problem is, Microsoft is setting itself up for rapid application delivery and they are trying to condition the public to expect more releases, sooner and more often.

This is the fun part – I don’t have to have the answers – thats what YOU’RE FOR.

Use the comments below and answer the following two questions:

  1. Is it time to start looking past Windows 8.x?
  2. What do you most want to see in Windows 9?
Article Categories:
Microsoft · Windows 8.1 · Windows 9 · Windows 9 News

Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.

All Comments

  • I think Windows 8.x has been a MASSIVE fail and Microsoft has been in damage control mode for the past year. Personally I am over the whole thing.

    Steve Isley August 7, 2013 1:32 pm Reply
    • LOL Thanks..

      Onuora Amobi August 7, 2013 6:29 pm Reply
    • Geez Steve, you sound like my ex – except for the being over it part because she’s always peeking in to see what I’m up to. LOL!

      Rodney Longoria August 7, 2013 9:17 pm Reply
  • 1.Yes time to start looking for Windows 9.
    2. Make the metro interface an option but also give us the Windows 7/Vista/XP style desktop. Metro is great for touch screen based use but sucks for a normal desktop interface.

    dnserk August 7, 2013 1:44 pm Reply
    • What do you say to those who insist it’s time to move beyond the XP/Windows 7 era?

      Onuora Amobi August 7, 2013 6:29 pm Reply
      • I can honestly tell them that I have clients with Windows 8 and a touch screen who love it. And I have others who tried it and hate it. Since 8 is built on 7 I think we can have the best of both worlds. Better still would be a complete rewrite of Windows with a program that would let you run older programs on the new Windows. Something like bootcamp for the Mac.

        dnserk August 7, 2013 6:49 pm Reply
        • There is a software called “XP Mode” if you have Windows 8 Pro and that could run XP programs.

          WillyThePooh September 28, 2013 1:05 am Reply
  • Windows 9. A triple operating system that I can choose what type set up. Choice between a tablet install and a desktop install. It should even come with smart phone software. Make it streamlined so whatever I want to do it will only be a click away. No more going through several clicks to do a task. They should go back to the program bar that’s in Windows 7. It should have a few bells and whistles just for the fun of it. Make it so I can overclock and make BIOS adjustments in Windows. Have it make suggestions to increase performance. It should always be able to return to factory settings but retain ALL information, files and settings. They should be saved so they can be reinstalled at any time. It should have a novice friendly interface that displays all past set ups with detailed information so I can pick any programs that were installed before and pick any individual one to install again with a click.
    Put in a better system analyzer, one with a nice benchmark test.
    When I go to a new type app. I should be able to have it open in a window when I’m on the desktop.
    Put in a complete Window Washer type program to clean out unwanted stuff like cookies and tracking. Make it better with a nice interface where everything can be seen easily.
    Make it faster.
    Fix Media Center so it works better. Make so it can trace and run at least 100,000 music files fast and smooth.

    davidgpfister August 7, 2013 2:06 pm Reply
    • Holy cow.

      100,000 music files?

      Thats some serious horsepower.


      Onuora Amobi August 7, 2013 2:13 pm Reply
      • not really as our win8 machines have over 600,000 music files

        mikemp August 7, 2013 4:29 pm Reply
      • Really. Who keeps that many files locally? I prefer to stream unlimited tracks online with my XBOX Music subscription without needing to worry about a hard drive crashing. As for Factory Settings.. has noone used Microsoft’s Restore Point?!

        DigitalSyrup August 7, 2013 4:38 pm Reply
        • Well I only have 86,000 now. I like to go through my music and search for a certain song. Media player bogs down with that many files. Even when I put all that music in the cloud it doesn’t run smoothly.
          As for Microsoft’s Restore Point. I want something with more flexibility.

          davidgpfister August 8, 2013 5:04 am Reply
  • Windows 9. A triple operating system that I can choose what type set up. Choice between a tablet install and a desktop install. It should even come with smart phone software. Make it streamlined so whatever I want to do it will only be a click away. No more going through several clicks to do a task. They should go back to the program bar that’s in Windows 7. It should have a few bells and whistles just for the fun of it. Make it so I can overclock and make BIOS adjustments in Windows. Have it make suggestions to increase performance. It should always be able to return to factory settings but retain ALL information, files and settings. They should be saved so they can be reinstalled at any time. It should have a novice friendly interface that displays all past set ups with detailed information so I can pick any programs that were installed before and pick any individual one to install again with a click.
    Put in a better system analyzer, one with a nice benchmark test.
    When I go to a new type app. I should be able to have it open in a window when I’m on the desktop.
    Put in a complete Window Washer type program to clean out unwanted stuff like cookies and tracking. Make it better with a nice interface where everything can be seen easily.
    Make it faster.
    Fix Media Center so it works better. Make so it can trace and run at least 100,000 music files fast and smooth.

    davidgpfister August 7, 2013 2:06 pm Reply
    • Holy cow.
      100,000 music files?
      Thats some serious horsepower.

      Onuora Amobi August 7, 2013 2:13 pm Reply
  • I believe it is time to find an operating system that doesn’t act with such paranoia; almost paranoia on coffee with the constant state of change

    Ed Connolly August 7, 2013 2:14 pm Reply
  • Windows 8 was ok as an OS for touch screen devices, but was so much more difficult to learn and adapt to than XP, 7 and even vista. The stark differences in the basic desktop screen made it even more inhospitable, it definitely was not fun trying to learn on the fly. I also had many issues when trying to game, incompatibilities, crashes and overall many nights of reinstalling software. I would like to see an OS that is more pre-8 friendly and can allow for my gaming habits

    Mark Ramnanan August 7, 2013 2:58 pm Reply
    • Thanks for commenting.


      Onuora Amobi August 7, 2013 6:28 pm Reply
    • I totally agree. Windows 8 should have kept the Start Menu and allowed the user to CHOOSE to use the Menu Tabs or Start Menu and not Force it on them. August 8, 2013 12:50 pm Reply
  • I agree that Windows 8 and it’s children (Windows 8.1 and Windows Blue) needs a major redesign.

    Edward Allen August 7, 2013 3:31 pm Reply
    • What specifically would you change?

      Onuora Amobi August 7, 2013 6:27 pm Reply
      • Hi Onuora!

        Edward Allen August 8, 2013 2:57 am Reply
        • In Windows 8.1 does offer sort by most used on the Metro screen. Yes, a history app would be nice. But some “cleaners this includes MS Disk Cleaner” delete the last used history. This app would be worthless.

          Little John August 8, 2013 6:45 am Reply
  • To be honest I tried Windows 8 and straight away didn’t like the new interface, didn’t take long for me to go back to WIndows 7.
    The problem with Windows 8 is that it is completely targeted at touch screen devices which is where Microsoft have gone wrong. Even if I had a touch screen device, I probably wouldn’t use it.

    I also found that Windows 8 had a lot of issues with applications and games, where they would constantly crash or not launch at all. Which was another deciding factor for my downgrade back to Windows 7

    Maybe Windows 9, or whatever they will call it, will be different and give us the option from installation on whether to use thier tiled/metro interface or standard desktop.

    Anthony Duncan August 7, 2013 3:31 pm Reply
  • To be honest I tried Windows 8 and straight away didn’t like the new interface, didn’t take long for me to go back to WIndows 7.
    The problem with Windows 8 is that it is completely targeted at touch screen devices which is where Microsoft have gone wrong. Even if I had a touch screen device, I probably wouldn’t use it.
    I also found that Windows 8 had a lot of issues with applications and games, where they would constantly crash or not launch at all. Which was another deciding factor for my downgrade back to Windows 7
    Maybe Windows 9, or whatever they will call it, will be different and give us the option from installation on whether to use thier tiled/metro interface or standard desktop.

    Anthony Duncan August 7, 2013 3:31 pm Reply
  • Anything doing with a touch screen should have been a separate OS called Surface. For the HYBRID devices, such as laptop w/touch and perhaps AIO’s, the Surface OS probably could have been installed on top the desktop OS to include touch activities. The Modern UI and it’s Flat look I think is nice. For Windows 9, what to do? Well in it’s current state I feel it’s biggest failing is the Apps. The apps seem nothing more than web links or feeds. What can they do really? Can you run Adobe photoshop as a Store App? Can you control a Security suite
    in the same fashion as you would desktop Norton internet security, for example? Until these apps can be designed to run the same as a full featured application, there seems no sense to me for Windows 8.
    Windows 8 seems confused between wanting to be like Ubuntu’s software center and Windows’ mobile OS App store for obtaining and running applications. I dont feel there should be a Windows 9, until they figure out what the end game is, what they want it to be. Once that is figured out, they need to have dozens of big time apps
    to show it off at the beginning. Adobe, Autocad, CRM, Office, VM’s……….Serious “desktop” power applications, that can translate down to the Surface style OS when mobility is required.

    Adam Meyer August 7, 2013 3:45 pm Reply
  • I have to laugh at all the “it’s too hard” it’s meant for “touchscreen” arguments. Surely, I cannot be the only one out there that has no problem with the new interface on a mouse and keyboard. As a power user, my start menu in Windows 7 was a lot more cluttered than the one below. I no longer have to go to a submenu just to launch my applications. In Windows 8, I group all of the apps I use and move them to the left so I don’t have to scroll. Apps I use more often, I pin to taskbar on the desktop. “Metro apps” are getting better however I find myself using them on my Surface Pro and XPS 10 tablets more often. That’s not to say I don’t go to desktop mode on either tablet as I remote my client PCs on my couch with TeamViewer.

    In my opinion, I’m glad I don’t have to look at the old start menu ever again. Everyone talks about innovation and really, noone likes change when it slaps them in the face. Unless you’re an Apple user. Then you’ll take whatever is given to you.

    The fundamental changes and kernel improvments made to the OS code is what made me switch to Windows 8. The new UI was a bonus AND a choice. You don’t have to use the Metro apps or interface if you don’t want to. Just hit the start button on your keyboard. No big deal.

    Microsoft, you really should have marketed your new UI better and actually had a better features/training video than what is included in the Windows 8 install.

    DigitalSyrup August 7, 2013 4:35 pm Reply
    • I tend to agree. I think a lot of people are not being honest. I agree there are a lot of people who just can’t get used to the new system, especially people who never even moved to 7. But to be honest, I don’t think even half the people constantly complaining about the new interface were make that much use of the start menu. I’m a power user, and I work in both the IT and education fields. It’s very rare that I run into someone is isn’t launching 80% of their applications from the desktop or taskbar. I think some are just stuck on being made about it being difference and aren’t honestly analyzing how much they were really using the start menu. I don’t buy the “it only works with touch” argument either. I have yet to run across a single person that will tell me 2 things they can do with touch they can’t do with a keyboard or mouse.

      Ray C August 7, 2013 7:35 pm Reply
      • Talk about honest. I have an experience. When I worked as a cashier, once I turned off the light and prepare to finish the line and go to have lunch. But one customer still tries to get to the end of the line. When I told her that the till is closed. She told me that the light was on. Luckily, a customer in front of her told her that the light was off long time ago and I don’t need to explain any more.

        WillyThePooh September 28, 2013 12:58 am Reply
  • I have to laugh at all the “it’s too hard” it’s meant for “touchscreen” arguments. Surely, I cannot be the only one out there that has no problem with the new interface on a mouse and keyboard. As a power user, my start menu in Windows 7 was a lot more cluttered than the one below. I no longer have to go to a submenu just to launch my applications. In Windows 8, I group all of the apps I use and move them to the left so I don’t have to scroll. Apps I use more often, I pin to taskbar on the desktop. “Metro apps” are getting better however I find myself using them on my Surface Pro and XPS 10 tablets more often. That’s not to say I don’t go to desktop mode on either tablet as I remote my client PCs on my couch with TeamViewer.
    In my opinion, I’m glad I don’t have to look at the old start menu ever again. Everyone talks about innovation and really, noone likes change when it slaps them in the face. Unless you’re an Apple user. Then you’ll take whatever is given to you.
    The fundamental changes and kernel improvments made to the OS code is what made me switch to Windows 8. The new UI was a bonus AND a choice. You don’t have to use the Metro apps or interface if you don’t want to. Just hit the start button on your keyboard. No big deal.
    Microsoft, you really should have marketed your new UI better and actually had a better features/training video than what is included in the Windows 8 install.

    DigitalSyrup August 7, 2013 4:35 pm Reply
  • I think Windows 9 won’t arrive for a good few years yet and even when it does arrive it will still contain “metro” features. Microsoft has spent a lot of time and money convincing developers to create apps for W8/8.1 and are still continuing to do so. They wouldn’t be spending all this time and money to just suddenly scrap the whole Windows 8 design and going with something new for Windows 9 as it would kill every app they have and worked so hard to get. Developers would leave in droves and never trust Microsoft again and without developers they would just die so I think “metro” is here to stay and will be updated in Windows 9 but it will still be there. I don’t think touch screens will really catch on with desktop users even when the prices come down and I think Microsoft should begin research in gesture control like the Leap Motion device, make it really small, cheap and attachable to any screen or ‘surface’ area that would make it easier and feel more natural for use with the “metro” interface. They should also bundle such a device in with a copy of Windows 9 so customers immediately have everything they need to use the OS without needing to worry about buying separate devices or upgrades.

    Amy Green August 7, 2013 5:20 pm Reply
    • You make good points but I’m going to disagree with you on only some, I hope you don’t mind!

      I think developers weren’t that happy with the idea of Metro. To get one’s software on there, one has to kowtow to Microsoft’s approval process .. then Microsoft takes a 30% cut off every sale. When the Metro store closes, people will cheer. As it is (apparently), it’s become like the Apple Store, full of 99 cent junk apps. My hope is that it will disappear faster than Vista .. like Push on the Desktop if you can recall from that far back (Windows 98’s Push was trumpeted by Microsoft, and big names, big names, got onboard, but it utterly flopped and quick. It was essentially defunct well before first service pack).

      If Microsoft dropped Metro, it would actually restore my trust.

      Your ideas on Leap Motion are good ones. Windows 8.x causes gorilla arm. I have a 23 in. touch screen for my Windows 8.x install. I can input by touch for a little while, then my arm gets really tired (gorilla arm). No matter what, one ends up using the keyboard and mouse with the thing if one uses it in any substantive way.

      I hope they rework a Desktop type Start Menu for Windows 9 and have an option to set everything for the Desktop. If there’s no Metro in Windows 9, fine by me, good riddance! ‘Have a nice end week and weekend.

      LemonSaucy August 7, 2013 6:21 pm Reply
      • Actually, online store is the trend to sell. Besides Apple store and Google Play, people also use Amazon and eBay to sell. I haven’t heard Apple or Google app developers complain 30% cut off is too steep. Same as Amazon and eBay. If I create a software and can sell quick in the app store, I basically am sitting there and collecting money. No need to find sale channel. No need to hire salesman. No need to advertise. If it doesn’t sell, that’s fine too because I won’t have inventory problem and I don’t need to pay warehouse fee.

        WillyThePooh September 28, 2013 12:43 am Reply
    • Well you never know when 9 will come out heck I am already seeing so much talk about 9 that they make come out with it by 2015 or sooner. Look at how quickly they did Windows 8.1/Blue and they didn’t bring back the Start Menu that Made Microsoft Windows a great OS. I say bring back the Start Menu in 9 and the rest well can be similar to 7/8/XP mixed together. I do say that Windows XP was the BEST OS they made and 7 Second Best as it’s a fairly smooth sailing OS similar to XP. I agree that Touch Screen’s are too pricey and the cost to replace a touch screen out of warranty isn’t worth the $. August 8, 2013 12:53 pm Reply
      • You can get a 500 dollar all in one touch screen desktop…that’s not too pricey…is it?

        Cristóbal Jorge Robles September 3, 2013 11:20 am Reply
    • Well, they can put a lot of efforts into something and then just drop it. E.g. they spent seven years developing XNA and then suddenly stop. Now I’m not sure should I learn Silverlight or it’ll be dead at the moment I’ll have finished first tutorial?

      Max Jacobi August 9, 2013 6:22 am Reply
    • Yes. Kinect type control will be the next after touch. Webcam is there and we just need the software to make it work.

      WillyThePooh September 28, 2013 12:31 am Reply
  • When I scan over the comments, 1 for 8 and 12 against 8, my vote is for 8. True, I don’t play games, but I use my computer for help desk questions or test bed for new software. When I boot up, Windows 8 is on the desktop mode. There many days which I don’t use or see any tile screen. I use couple third programs for my start menu.
    I have play with Windows 8.1, but the start button is loser. But other things are nice and make Windows 8 little nicer. I have tried open an app and desktop on the same screen, it works but something is not right. What Windows 9 will offer? 1. Apps and Desktop on same screen, maybe like a tile on your desktop. 2. Tighter security and firewall. 3. Marriage between your apps and browsers and more third party background updates. As for overclocking it will be thing of past, like the floppy disk, because of small trace size and amount of gain is nothing.
    Until they come out with better cooling system (not fan and fins or water and fins), a solid state device which produce a cold surface.

    Little John August 7, 2013 5:57 pm Reply
    • Cool. Thanks for the thoughtful comment..

      Onuora Amobi August 7, 2013 6:29 pm Reply
  • Can we please stop with the same song and dance. What point would there be of looking toward Windows 9 if you think 8 is not enough like 7. Windows 9 is going to be less like Windows 7 than Windows 8 is. At to be honest, at first I agreed with a lot of critics, but now it’s starting to sound like whining. The start menu is not coming back, and the Desktop is not going to be the primary focus. Once you get used to it, Windows 8 really isn’t that bad. Anyone saying you can’t use Windows 8 without touch capability is just not being honest. Clicking with your finger or clicking with you mouse, scrolling with your mouse or hand swiping, in the end they’re all just different ways to do the same thing. I’ve used Windows 8 on multiple devices and only one was a touch screen. I have had no problems. I do agree that the learning curve is too high. There should have better a tutorial or tour. There should have been a tile for the shutdown/ log off options. There should been more focus on making it easier to spot your most common clicks/features from Windows 7 or the start screen being more of a quasi-start menu. There are some tweaks Microsoft needs to make, but the people calling for a major overhaul just don’t want to try something new. It’s not flawed in a major way. There are just some small changes Microsoft could have made that would have had a big impact. I do agree though that MS needs to have an OS or device that is 100% tablet at a very low price. They shouldn’t make every device try to do everything. There should be one that is 100% apps and Metro focused and another that runs a full Windows 8. My main problem with Windows 8 was the learning curve, but now that I know how it works, I’m rolling along with ease.

    Ray C August 7, 2013 7:27 pm Reply
    • I agree that when MS design windows 8, they forgot that laptop/desktop users still shutdown their computers. Not tablet users. I never shutdown my tablet. So what I did to my laptop is to create a “shutdown” shortcut on desktop and pin it to start screen. Then I could one click shutdown my laptop.

      WillyThePooh September 28, 2013 12:27 am Reply
  • Desktop is dead… Metro/Modern will take the centre stage, in other words this is Windows reloaded, Windows 9 the coming messiah will make all things clearer, I believe Microsoft intends to reformat all the traditional desktop apps into the Metro/Modern doctrine, so yea it is time…

    Terfa Prince Binda August 7, 2013 9:25 pm Reply
  • Only plus in Win 8 is it boots and shuts down faster that’s all . Win 7 is still the powerhouse Microsoft ever made. Forcing users to the Metro touch tablet. I love my laptop and keyboard. And my start button. Thanks but no thanks. Maybe next time I look at apple . Or maybe some other software os company. Needs to be some better competition with Microsoft. Also. As the analyst say. Microsoft cut your pricing. Take. Millions and millions of users multiply that by cost. And see what they are raking in.

    Gregg Moore August 7, 2013 10:03 pm Reply
  • One more thought . Win 9 is due. Ditch win 8. We need A powehouse Win for desktop.and one for tablet. An improvement of Win 7. Of which Win 8. Might be ok for the kiddies. Its like I’m still waiting on the main attraction and Windows 8 is the the preview before the big ticket movie. We all already paid for.

    Gregg Moore August 7, 2013 10:08 pm Reply
  • Microsoft has made it abundantly clear from the outset that Windows 8/8.1 is primarily for touch based hardware BUT will work with keyboard and mouse. I have found it will work, albeit with some additional effort with keyboard and mouse but certainly not as easily as Windows 7 OS. Windows 8 is two systems in one(as like win 3.1). Metro(as was) and Desktop are two different animals otherwise why two different non compatible internet explorers. If you are a keyboard and mouse user(as are the vast majority of pc users) then windows 8 does mean more steps to use it compared with windows 7 etc. As an IT Tutor (since early 70’s) and someone who runs a business building, repairing, problem solving and upgrading computers, I have spent so many years teaching people “the fewer shortcuts on the desktop the better” and now it’s the more the better! Windows 8/8.1 is designed, in my opinion, by Microsoft to wean people away from pc’s. But the problem is the vast majority of pc users are desktop users (just look at the number of business’s worldwide that use desktop based pc’s). It will take many years before tablets etc. become the norm or main computer hardware for the majority. I don’t believe Microsoft has taken that into account. This is just a money cow for them as they try to reclaim monies lost by not really competing with other tablet makers. There are many programs that are not compatible with Windows 8, many are fairly recent releases(in computing terms), indeed that is one of the many reasons I having tried Windows 8/8.1 have returned to Windows 7. Part due to familiarity but mainly due to being easier to use. Much of my time is spent returning users to Windows 7(those who had bought Windows 8 machines). Microsoft had the opportunity to start the move away from desktop based machines by making the underling Windows 8 software a Windows 7 incremental step towards this aim. Windows 8 underneath is what Windows 7 was supposed to be originally but never came to fruition. *Metro* designed for touch based hardware was then plastered on top. I do hope that Microsoft will see that the two types of hardware can live together Touch based tablets and pc’s for those that want them and Non-touch desktop based machines for business’s and others who want them. I have no doubt that in the distant future touch based system with voice activated machines will become the norm but I do feel Microsoft has jumped the gun here, I only hope they will realise this before Microsoft is no more.

    cwoxford August 7, 2013 11:15 pm Reply
    • Tablets will not replace PCs. If anything, PCs could reassert themselves over tablets.

      I use a tablet here. I find it slow. Both Safari and Chrome crash all the time. Every time I move from tab to tab these two re-load the page – can’t they hold a webpage in memory(?) – no – and I can’t really use the thing except as a leisure device. Moreover, it sort of wastes my time annoyingly. Ads are always popping up. For any gained convenience, there is as much frustration.

      The functions and ability iPad has is better split between a smart phone and a PC. For the most part, there is no use for a tablet save as a novelty / toy.

      When a PC breaks, it gets replaced – when this tablet goes, I will not be buying another.

      LemonSaucy August 12, 2013 4:13 pm Reply
      • I agree in the main with your comments. I have never found the need to have a tablet. I have a smartphone which dos all my needs inc. email, internet etc. when out. Coupled with my own purpose build pc at home for all my computing needs. I have a kindle e-reader for my books(which is great!). The pc with it’s keyboard and mouse will never be overtaken but touch screen hardware due to it’s limitations(try designing or doing powerpoint presentations on a touch screen). The problem is that MS have tried to jump on and take over the tablet band wagon BUT have forgot their pc user base. At the end of the day Windows 8/8.1 is ideal for tablets but NOT for pc’s. had MS gone for 2 system fronts, one for touch screen tablet(and pc where wanted), and one for keyboard and mouse containing a similar face to previous os’s then I think the furor would not have happened.
        I would like to see MS offer Windows 9 as the consumer wants…the choice of styles of frontend so those who want “touch” get touch and whose who want or need keyboard/mouse get the system for that. MS has done well in the past offering differing systems for different end user requirements. Windows 95,xp,vista, 7 mainly for the home user and server versions mainly for work based requirements. I see no logical reason why MS should not have continued this style of release except for being afraid of losing tablet sales(we know that previous tablet incarnations did not work or sell well).
        Yes….have touch based versions BUT give consumers(who pay MS’s wages) the choice. You will lose out in the end otherwise.

        cwoxford August 12, 2013 11:15 pm Reply
    • It’s good you could downgrade windows 8 to windows 7. I can’t downgrade my iOS7 to iOS6.

      WillyThePooh September 28, 2013 1:11 am Reply
      • That’s what comes with using the Apple software!
        So far in my computing career(over 40 years) this is the first time I have upgraded to a new MS OS only to return to an older version. I am so sad that this is the case. Check out the new look Computer Active magazine, interesting view on inside rear cover!

        cwoxford September 28, 2013 1:21 am Reply
  • I love Windows 8 and I have never used it on a touch device, i think one person yawned that it wasn’t user friendly and the rest caught on. What can one say they failed to do with windows 8 that they could do with 7. I think microsoft should maintain the design even for Windows 9.

    Ezra TheITGuy August 8, 2013 1:00 am Reply
    • And that goes double for me!

      Mike Greenway August 8, 2013 10:44 am Reply
    • They can maintain the same look and feel but the Start Menu is something they should have kept instead of Start Menu Tabs. This makes the Desktop none viewable. I agree it’s a nice look and feel but the problem is not Everyone wants to have a Touch screen based OS or PC/Screen. The price is too high and I got a note that Microsoft’s Tablets have been marked down $100 – Which MATCHES Mac’s Laptops on the Dot. August 8, 2013 12:49 pm Reply
    • 1. Recent docs in start menu were very useful;
      2. I never liked control panel since its poorly usability and now it splits into two halves, if you want to add a new user you have to open metro version of cp, WHAT A…?
      3. I’m so bored with jumping back and forth from one interface into another. Why on Earth clicking on the desktop file opens metro app? And vice versa, clicking metro tile might open desktop app. SOOO STUPID…!
      4. It seems there are a big issue with file associations in Win8 – they won’t work properly.
      All I said were just constructive criticism, I love MS nevertheless 🙂

      Max Jacobi August 9, 2013 6:44 am Reply
      • Create a “God Mode” shortcut and all the controls are there.

        WillyThePooh September 28, 2013 12:21 am Reply
  • What do I want to see in Windows 9? 1) One screen: merge the start and desktop screens. This is a fundamental problems that confuses people, 2) Have app pages (ala. Android/Apple) that you flick between and not one continual long app screen (personally, I don’t like seeing half a tale on screen), 3) have clock, battery level, and network signal strength indicators on both start and desktop screen, 4) more mouse friendly, 5) advertise Windows 9 and its devices better. Windows 8, Surface RT, Surface Pro, Metro/ Windows 8 interface? People are confused as to the differences as they sound so similar, 6) If they keep the desktop mode make it look and function more like Stardock’s fences. I was hoping that this would be the case with Windows 8 but instead Windows 8’s desktop screen looked more primitive than Windows 7’s. Windows 8.1 addresses 1/3rd of my problems with Windows 8. I would not be surprised if there is a longer than normal wait between Windows 8 and 9 and Windows Phone 9 has a big impact on Windows 9.

    Damian Vansen August 8, 2013 3:05 am Reply
  • i love windows 8… and i think microsoft should create more upgrades rather than shifting to windows 9…

    Mayukh Bose August 8, 2013 4:09 am Reply
  • Just to comment briefly on the comment by Little John, let me say that there are also third party programs that will do what he has just described. Perhaps the MS Disk Cleaner could be adapted and incorporated into an app that automatically deletes the shortcuts to infrequently used programs and cleans your disk but saves a copy of the links to the most frequently used programs in a separate hidden folder which can accessed by the user from a tile on the metro start screen. Surely we have programmers that are smart enough to design such an app. As far as retaining browsing history, IE 10 has a setting to delete browsing history on exit. But perhaps this may require more retooling than it is worth. The only other alternative is a program called RetroUI. I have tried it but quickly uninstalled it because it has a pop up start menu with all items on it corresponding to app tiles on the metro start screen. Thank you for listening to my two cents worth.

    Edward Allen August 8, 2013 7:27 am Reply
  • Ray C. (see below) said what I want to say. I’m 67. If I can learn to use Windows 8, who can’t?

    Kip K. August 8, 2013 9:44 am Reply
    • I’m 63 and had no problem learning win 8, but we aren’t Tech bloggers!

      Mike Greenway August 9, 2013 9:07 am Reply
      • They probably are Apple bloggers and get paid by Apple every time they complain about Windows 8.

        WillyThePooh September 28, 2013 1:07 am Reply
        • Yes, it is a useful test, any blogger that isn’t smart enough to easily learn windows 8, isn’t smart enough to listen to!

          Mike Greenway September 28, 2013 8:44 am Reply
  • Neither Win 8.1 or Win 9 is out yet, but you’re right we should look at Win 10. We will be way ahead of the curve, giving MS crap for something we know nothing about. (wait for it….)

    Mike Greenway August 8, 2013 10:43 am Reply
  • I say Windows 9 and adding the Start Menu instead of Menu Tabs that
    would get Microsoft back into business. Since they aren’t bringing back
    the Start Menu – Which made Windows 95, 98, ME, 2000 Pro, XP, Vista
    & 7 the OS’s that were good (other than ME & Vista being total
    FLOPS). Why change something that Works? Why not change back when
    Customers Complain? Bring Back the start menu and make the TAB optional
    for the User rather than Forcing it on them. This is making MAC / Apple
    more money because they haven’t changed that much in their OS. WINDOWS 9
    Better be AMAZING and have that Start Menu or I’ll Never use Windows
    again and go to MAC or Use Used / Refurbished systems ONLY. Windows
    8/8.1/Blue are Flops and not selling as much as XP and 7 have and I
    totally say Windows bring BACK THE START MENU or Face MAC’s High Sales – LOL August 8, 2013 12:47 pm Reply
  • I say Windows 9 and adding the Start Menu instead of Menu Tabs that
    would get Microsoft back into business. Since they aren’t bringing back
    the Start Menu – Which made Windows 95, 98, ME, 2000 Pro, XP, Vista
    & 7 the OS’s that were good (other than ME & Vista being total
    FLOPS). Why change something that Works? Why not change back when
    Customers Complain? Bring Back the start menu and make the TAB optional
    for the User rather than Forcing it on them. This is making MAC / Apple
    more money because they haven’t changed that much in their OS. WINDOWS 9
    Better be AMAZING and have that Start Menu or I’ll Never use Windows
    again and go to MAC or Use Used / Refurbished systems ONLY. Windows
    8/8.1/Blue are Flops and not selling as much as XP and 7 have and I
    totally say Windows bring BACK THE START MENU or Face MAC’s High Sales – LOL August 8, 2013 12:47 pm Reply
  • Oh don’t know if anyone looked up the Rumors on Windows 9 but here is one rumor. August 8, 2013 12:57 pm Reply
  • Oh don’t know if anyone looked up the Rumors on Windows 9 but here is one rumor. August 8, 2013 12:57 pm Reply
  • Many will not like this idea nor agree with me, but bear with me and let’s try to make some sense of this from a Microsoft point-of-view while stepping out of our own shoes for a moment here. By the time Windows 9 does come out (and I believe it’ll be much sooner than some may think), ALL apps will run from the Modern side of things because the traditional desktop will follow the path of the dinosaurs. Microsoft has wanted this for a long time. Apps that need to be run currently from the desktop (Photoshop or games, etc.), I think will be run via some quasi-VM mode, which for me makes sense. After all, Windows 8 does have Hyper-V included already. See links below.

    About Hyper-V:
    For more info:

    It will be run seamlessly, of course. This can make doing away with the desktop altogether, feasible. You can even run Windows 7 via Hyper-V if you insisted on running it too, and it would be in its own secure sandbox through Hyper-V (though why you’d want to under these circumstances is beyond me, but I digress).

    But I think the bigger thing to come will be a Windows OS subscription service, much like Office 365 is now. It may come into play with other subscriptions in a bundle, such as the OS, Office, Xbox, Xbox Music, etc. (and who knows, maybe they’ll team up with Netflix or Amazon and offer that as “added value”). So, rather than to have to go out and purchase a new OS every time one comes out, with a monthly or yearly subscription account, one can simply choose to update or keep the existing installation as is, and continue to get updates/fixes the usual way along with the user’s choice of services (or not).

    Personally, I’d buy that. Heck, I already do so (in a similar sort of fashion) with my cable provider’s bundle package. In any case, I believe the desktop days are over. Microsoft has a long-expressed strategy of becoming a “devices and services” company, right? And this fits right into that. Really, it’d almost be like what the mobile providers are trying to do now with their new upgrade options (such as T-Mobile’s Jump Program). This will become the new normal, mark my words.

    Additionally, should Microsoft skip the subscription option and the next iteration be similar to Windows 8, rather than call it Windows 9, I’d bypass that marketing nightmare and call it Windows 8 SE. Nothing worse than to make the leap to Windows 8/8.1, and before you know it, the next generation is upon you — like what happened to pre-Windows Phone 8 customers (remember the WP 7.8 fiasco? Anyone?). There were a lot of pissed-off folks when they realized there was NOT a way to get the new upgrade on their existing phones (due to hardware limitations). So why make that difference and alienate the buying public in the same way? If they do the subscription route, then call it Windows 365; certainly Office 365 will not have to deal with the number games (Office 2007/2010/2013, etc.) and in this scenario, neither will Windows. That way, it will all tie in neatly together.

    All of this is pure speculation on my part of course, but you asked @Onuora. Are you listening, @Microsoft?

    Rodney Longoria August 8, 2013 3:15 pm Reply
  • Many will not like this idea nor agree with me, but bear with me and let’s try to make some sense of this from a Microsoft point-of-view while stepping out of our own shoes for a moment here. By the time Windows 9 does come out (and I believe it’ll be much sooner than some may think), ALL apps will run from the Modern side of things because the traditional desktop will follow the path of the dinosaurs. Microsoft has wanted this for a long time. Apps that need to be run currently from the desktop (Photoshop or games, etc.), I think will be run via some quasi-VM mode, which for me makes sense. After all, Windows 8 does have Hyper-V included already. See links below.
    About Hyper-V:
    For more info:
    It will be run seamlessly, of course. This can make doing away with the desktop altogether, feasible. You can even run Windows 7 via Hyper-V if you insisted on running it too, and it would be in its own secure sandbox through Hyper-V (though why you’d want to under these circumstances is beyond me, but I digress).
    But I think the bigger thing to come will be a Windows OS subscription service, much like Office 365 is now. It may come into play with other subscriptions in a bundle, such as the OS, Office, Xbox, Xbox Music, etc. (and who knows, maybe they’ll team up with Netflix or Amazon and offer that as “added value”). So, rather than to have to go out and purchase a new OS every time one comes out, with a monthly or yearly subscription account, one can simply choose to update or keep the existing installation as is, and continue to get updates/fixes the usual way along with the user’s choice of services (or not).
    Personally, I’d buy that. Heck, I already do so (in a similar sort of fashion) with my cable provider’s bundle package. In any case, I believe the desktop days are over. Microsoft has a long-expressed strategy of becoming a “devices and services” company, right? And this fits right into that. Really, it’d almost be like what the mobile providers are trying to do now with their new upgrade options (such as T-Mobile’s Jump Program). This will become the new normal, mark my words.
    Additionally, should Microsoft skip the subscription option and the next iteration be similar to Windows 8, rather than call it Windows 9, I’d bypass that marketing nightmare and call it Windows 8 SE. Nothing worse than to make the leap to Windows 8/8.1, and before you know it, the next generation is upon you — like what happened to pre-Windows Phone 8 customers (remember the WP 7.8 fiasco? Anyone?). There were a lot of pissed-off folks when they realized there was NOT a way to get the new upgrade on their existing phones (due to hardware limitations). So why make that difference and alienate the buying public in the same way? If they do the subscription route, then call it Windows 365; certainly Office 365 will not have to deal with the number games (Office 2007/2010/2013, etc.) and in this scenario, neither will Windows. That way, it will all tie in neatly together.
    All of this is pure speculation on my part of course, but you asked @Onuora. Are you listening, @Microsoft?

    Rodney Longoria August 8, 2013 3:15 pm Reply
  • MS should make windows 7.8.

    John August 8, 2013 5:15 pm Reply
  • Let’s say for a second that MS would split Windows into different flavors like you have outlined. Why would someone buy Windows 8 without Modern apps? I have a feeling that everyone would go and buy the hybrid version simply because you get more bang for your buck. Initially people freaked out about Windows 8 apps, but as the platform grows people will learn to love it. I had Windows 8 on my laptop and then ran into an issue and i had to reload Windows 7 back onto it. Now when i use my laptop I feel like something is missing. 🙁

    Robbiegod August 29, 2013 5:07 pm Reply
  • I would predict that just like OSX, Windows 8 will keep on going from 8.1, 8.2 all the way to 8.z. No OSXI or Windows 9 in the sight.

    WillyThePooh September 28, 2013 12:16 am Reply

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