Microsoft 7.9-Inch Tablet Said To Feature Samsung Displays

May 16, 2013

A second generation Surface slate could be up for an unveil next month at the BUILD developer conference, but Microsoft has kept the specifications of the device well under wraps.

The best insider sources have been able to reveal is that the new tablet could be sporting a small form factor, something between the 7 to 8 inches mark.

But we may now have more details on the display panels used in the device. A new report by DigiTimes says that LG Display and other Taiwan-based manufacturers are out of the picture, and Samsung is in.

Samsung is said to be providing Microsoft with 7.9 inch panels for the smaller Surface unit.

Additionally, however, it seems that both Samsung and LG Display could manufacture larger displays for another new Surface unit — one that comes with the standard 10.6-inch screen. Now whether that is the new Surface RT or Surface Pro is anybody’s guess.

Obviously, file this as rumors for now. No one is sure whether these details are accurate or not. So take them with a pinch of salt until someone from Redmond officially confirms the second generation Surface tablets.

Only one thing is for certain. A smaller Surface is sure to make its debut sometimes this year. And we could be in on the details of these eagerly awaited devices very soon.

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Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.

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