Microsoft Azure and Big Data and Analytics

With the right insights you can deliver intelligent actions that provide much better customer engagement, increase your revenue and keep your costs down.

Bring All Your Data Together

Every day, we see the volume of data expanding rapidly, be it from the traditional systems such as point of sale and the e-commerce websites to brand new sources of customer sentiment like Twitter and the Internet of Things sensors that provide an endless stream of real-time data using Spark and Apache Hadoop.

If you can analyze an incredibly diverse dataset right from the outset, your business decisions will be more informed, predictive and holistic, not disconnected and reactive.

Big Data – A Valuable Asset

Regardless of how much data your organization holds, you can retain it for as long as you want. Rather than having to make tradeoffs in terms of cost on which of your data you will retain, you can retain the lot to meet both company standards and regulatory standards at prices you can afford.

This is all made possible with Spark and Hadoop technologies together with the cloud.

Personalize Customer Experience

No two people want the same experience so give each of your customers a personal experience that adapts to changes in their behavior, right down to providing offers for recommended products with dynamic discounts.

Suppliers can be provided with predictive purchase lists based on the order information at the time and historical data.

A Cost-Effective Supply Chain

Big data can be integrated across the entire value chain and advanced analytics may be used in real-time to ensure supply-side performance is optimized, saving money in the process.

Embrace measures that are fully proactive, gaining a real-time view into your business supply chain, including assessing levels of inventory, prediction of product fulfillment requirements and see where backlog issues could potentially arise.

More Efficient

Analyze data to find the insights buried deep inside to become more optimal and efficient in business.

From human resource organization and supply chain management to forecasting customer and staff requirements, Big Data and Analytics and can help you to understand every factor that affects your operational efficiency.

Learn more about Microsoft Azure and Modern Data Warehouse.