Microsoft Finally Launches A Surface Blog, Also Bringing Surface RT Prices Down in Canada

February 7, 2013

The Microsoft Surface RT launched back in late October now, and yet after all this time, there is no official blog space for news related directly to the Surface line. Good news, Microsoft has finally launched the Surface blog, just two days before the anticipated release of the Surface Pro tablet.

The first entry isn’t too special, more of a welcome post from Surface Team leader Panos Panay. The general post talks about features in the upcoming Surface Pro and talks about the differences between the Pro and RT:

While Surface Pro and Surface RT share much of the same DNA, Surface RT is sleek and simple whereas Surface Pro is powerful and flexible. Surface Pro is perfect for the person or business that wants a laptop and a tablet, but doesn’t want the weight or hassle of both. If you’re looking for all-day battery life and an entertainment-first experience with the ability to still get some work done – Surface RT is for you.

Besides the welcome post, Panay also promises he will right more on Saturday, and expects future posts from other Surface team members in the next few weeks.

The Surface line is just getting started, and hopefully the release of a new blog (finally) is an indicate that Microsoft is not only focused on the launch of the Surface Pro but on the future of the Surface line in general. Now let’s just hope they get their act together and give us a 7-inch Surface or even a 10-inch Surface Atom.

Price Cuts for the Surface RT coming to Canada

While we are on the subject of the Surface, we also have some news about the Surface RT. For those living in Canada, the Surface RT is about to receive a price cut to bring its costs more in line with U.S. Pricing.

The news indicates that the Surface RT will drop by $20 dollars on all models, with touch covers dropping $10 Canadian dollars. The Pro pricing will be in-line with US pricing from day one. This is only a $30 savings for those planning to buy a Surface RT and cover in the near future, but money saved is money saved, no matter how small.

Between the launching of the Surface Pro and the launching of the new Blog, are you excited about the future of the Surface line or not? Share your thoughts below.

Source: Surface blog
Source: NeoWin

Article Categories:
Windows 8 · Windows 8 RT

Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.

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