Microsoft Pausing Edge Development For Next Two Weeks

July 3, 2020
Microsoft Edge

The protocols of using an alternate engine. Keener eyes among you may have noticed that there was no Edge Insider builds this week, as the software titan keeps them coming early in the week.

The reason for that is because Microsoft has slowed down Edge development for a bit. The company has announced that it is pausing development of its Edge web browser for the next two weeks to stay aligned with the Chromium Project release schedule.

That means that the Dev, Beta, and Stable channels will not get any updates, and only the Canary channel will continue to receive builds daily.

Redmond made things official in an announcement yesterday, with the team explaining the rationale behind this move, and confirming that they will resume their typical release schedule beginning on the week of July 13.

But it stands to reason that if you build a Chromium browser, you are going to stick to the release schedule of the project.

Unsurprisingly, it is the same reason that Edge 82 was skipped not too long ago to keep things aligned.

What’s unclear is that the Beta channel is meant to be inactive until then, since it should be inactive anyway during this period. The last Edge Beta update was on June 2, and the next update in this channel should not be out until July 14, anyway.

Oh well.

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Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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