Nokia Leads All Windows Phone Devices

December 12, 2012

  • Nokia Lumia 710 (24%)
  • Nokia Lumia 800 (18%)
  • Nokia Lumia 610 (17%)
  • Nokia Lumia 900 (7%)
  • The HTC Radar had just 4% of recorded traffic and the two Samsung smartphones were behind even that at 3% and 2% respectively. Nokia therefore is living up to their “special relationship” with Microsoft, it would seem.  Nokia accounts for 76% of all Windows Phone traffic, but when considering only Windows 8, that number rises to 80%. So we could say as Nokia goes, so does Windows Phone 8. Next up is the share of the very new Windows 8 vs. Windows 7 apps.  As we would assume Windows 7 phones are still the majority of phones out there, but in just over a month, Windows 8 share of traffic has grown to 5.2% as shown below. Which countries have the greatest Windows Phone use? The USA is #1 with 14%, closely followed by that coveted China market, with 13%. Of course, all this will have little meaning if Microsoft does not grow the Windows Phone 8 share of the overall market, which is now dominated by Android and iOS. The AdDuplex study is here. Time will tell on that one. Tell us what you think below.]]>

    Article Categories:
    Microsoft · Windows Phone 8

    Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.