This Is How Edge Is Upping Its PDF Reading Game

June 16, 2020
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The new Microsoft Edge has got most of its feature locked down now, but its PDF reading capabilities are what could use an improvement or two.

This, despite the fact that Edge already does more than other browsers in this regard. Microsoft’s new browser offers a range of editing and inking capabilities that make working with PDF files a delight.

But more are on their way.

These have been detailed by the software titan in an update to its roadmap for Edge.

Starting with the features that it says are the most requested.

These include the ability to fill PDF forms, and inking on PDF files with custom colors and stroke widths. Also incoming is the ability to create highlights to draw attention to different parts of the file, and open Microsoft Information Protection (MIP) and Information Rights Management (IRM) protected files.

Users have also asked for the ability to view PDFs in dark mode, as well as a read aloud feature that is already available in the Canary version of the browser. On the topic of accessibility, Microsoft is working on support for keyboard accessibility, screen reader, and the ability to view PDFs in high-contrast mode.

All these would already make Edge a cut above the competition.

But alongside these, the software titan is working on a smoother scroll experience. This has been a long time coming, was actually available in Edge Legacy, and Microsoft promised this from the beginning in this new Edge.

Support for table of contents, and digital signatures is also on the horizon.

Of course, this is a roadmap update, and not a product announcement. There is no telling when these features would make their way to the web browser. Certainly not, when the Edge team is still working on basic features like history sync.

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Edge · Featured · Software

Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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