The Ultimate Windows 10 Training Video Collection

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The Ultimate Windows 10 Video Training Collection – learn how to use Windows 10!

Crush it – Learn about Windows 10!

Finally a step-by-step online course to get you comfortable with all the features of Microsoft’s Operating System – Windows 10

Click the button below and get started  learning Windows 10 right away!

The Fastest Way for You to Learn About Windows 10!

Lane Fries

If you’ve struggled with Windows 10 and want to feel more comfortable working on this Operating System, read on…

My name is Lane Fries, I’m a Windows 10 expert (I’ve been working with it since it’s release) and my mission is to provide you with a clearer understanding of Windows 10 so you too can experience it’s immense benefits for your personal use and/or business.

Now here’s the thing…

When Microsoft first unleashed the Windows 10 operating system in 2015, it truly was the next big step in the advancement of the OS, BUT, it also came with a completely new user interface – something that led to a lot of frustration for the average user.

That’s why I created The Ultimate Windows 10 Video Training Collection

I specifically designed this course to be an all-in-one, user-friendly, instructional guide – one that eliminates all confusion about Windows 10 while allowing you to maximize the advantages of this really great Operating System.

Now…you might be thinking, ‘big deal Lane, there are already a lot of free online resources and websites offering instruction about the basics of Windows 10!’.

You’d be right.

But the Ultimate Windows 10 Video Training Collection is different

How so? Because I’ve created it to help both home AND business owners understand the true benefits of installing this software.

This includes empowering you with excellent instruction gently showing you how to take advantage of the powerful features Windows 10 has to offer.  This is an all-inclusive source of guidance (all your answers are here, so no more burning time and energy Googling Windows 10 tips and trying to piece various pieces of information together!).

On top of this, this is a completely self-paced course (you decide when you start and when you finish), and you will get UNLIMITED LIFETIME ACCESS to this!

All you need to get started is access to a computer with Windows 10 installed on it and the time to watch the videos.

What You’ll Learn in this Course (over 100 videos)

1. An introduction to Windows 10

Here you’ll get a brief introduction and overview to the Operating System and learn to navigate around.

2. Getting Started

Now that you’re in, I’ll start walking you through the OS. We’ll walk through What Is Windows 10?, Setting Up a Microsoft Account, Local Account vs Microsoft Account, Logging Into Windows 10 and Setting Up Your ID and more…

3. Windows 10 Settings

In this section you’ll learn how to customize your Windows 10 settings to your liking – Action Center, Privacy Settings, Network Settings, Time and Language Settings, Update and Security Settings and more…

4. Windows 10 Applications

Windows 10 is loaded with super helpful apps. Here are just a few you’ll learn about – Windows Media Player, Skype, The Money App, Microsoft Edge, Microsoft Passport, OneNote, Phone Companion App and more…

5. Windows 10 Functionality

This section provides you with the information you need to understand how to use the OS. You’ll learn about Backing Up and Restoring, Browsing Through Folders, Connecting to Another Computer and much more…

6. Windows 10 Security

It’s vital to keep your  Operating System secure. In this section I give you a full Windows 10 Security Overview. You’ll learn about Windows Hello, a biometrics based technology function that helps you keep your PC secure and more…

7. Windows Server

In this section, you’ll get a brief tutorial about connecting Windows 10 to Microsoft’s Windows Server and making sure the connection is secure.

8. Microsoft Office

Everyone using Windows will probably want to use Microsoft Office at some point. In this section you get a quick refresher on installing and using Office.

9. Cortana

With Windows 10, Microsoft has introduced a new virtual assistant called Cortana. Cortana uses Artificial Intelligence to make your life easier while using Windows 10.

10. Miscellaneous Items

In this section we walk through some of the more obscure and less well known features that are part of Windows 10.

11. Windows 10 Updates

In this section, we’ll discuss Windows 10 Updates. How they work, how they are installed and how you can make sure your Windows 10 device stays properly updated.

12. Microsoft Support

Here you get a couple of quick videos teaching you how to contact Microsoft Support if you need help and how to give Microsoft Feedback on Windows 10.

Here’s Some Of The Feedback This Course Has Received

Man 1

Phillip R IT Manager

“I give this 5 stars! Very helpful because I support Windows 10 desktops and laptops on a daily basis.”

Janet M Business Owner

“This course was really timely. I use Windows 10 and always had a bunch of questions about it. Not any more. “


William J Retiree

“I got tired of asking my son questions about Windows 10 and how to use this software. He’s just as happy as I am!”

This is just some of the value you’ll receive with this course

  • A rock solid understanding of the Windows 10 basics. To fully appreciate the value and power of Windows 10, you need to have a foundational grasp of how it works, and this course provides that.
  • Actionable insights and instruction on using Windows 10 for your personal use or business.
  • A logically structured, easy to navigate course (simply jump to the sections you want, when you want).
  • A complete, step by step walkthrough of the entire operating system.
  • Over 100 videos (about 7 hours total) – a wealth of top level instruction. BUT even better, most of the videos are a bite-sized length of less than 5 minutes (you’ll never feel overwhelmed as each lesson is concise, student-friendly and easy to absorb).

And for a limited time, you can get it all for just $129.95!  $14.95

That’s a lifetime of premium access to an all-inclusive course which answers just about any question you could ever have about Windows 10. 

So if you want to have lifetime access to answers about Windows 10 and would like to take control of the Operating System so you can finally enjoy the benefits of its immense power,  register now by clicking on the link below:

Ready to Learn More About Windows 10? 


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