Uncle L – LL Cool J is down with Windows 8

January 10, 2013
LL Cool J - Windows 8

LL Cool J – Windows 8

This week at CES, Microsoft announced a music collaboration app that’s being made just for Windows 8.

The app is called Liquid MyConnect Studio. It’s produced by Boomdizzle, a company co-founded by musician actor LL Cool J.

LL Cool J says he had the idea while he was on the road and had a hard time collaborating with musicicans and writers on music.

The app is designed to let people remotely collaborate, record and edit music in real time.

You can see LL excited about Windows 8 below.

Source: Microsoft Experience blog


Article Categories:
Microsoft · Windows 8 Applications

Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.