Public appearance, of what could be the marquee hardware launch for Microsoft this year. The sublime and stylish Surface Duo has been caught on camera, being used in public.
It’s not uncommon for companies to test their hardware outdoors ahead of launch — particularly true for smartphones that spend a significant portion of their life outside buildings. In that aspect, the upcoming device being tested outside Redmond walls is not surprising at all.
What’s surprising, is that it has been caught on video.
And the video has not been taken down, either.
A chap that goes by the name of Israel Rodriguez spotted this new device on the SkyTrain in Vancouver, and has put up a YouTube video that includes a bunch of photos and ample amounts of video footage, sans sound though.
Watch it yourself:
We also get to see some shots of the outside of the device towards the end, which hints that there is no camera on the outside as may have been implied in earlier visuals. Not that there is need of it, of course, as a shooter without a viewfinder would not be of much use with the device closed.
Speaking of devices, we now know that Microsoft is testing the network performance of the Surface Duo out on a moving train.
The launch nears with each new moon!