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Netflix has released a new trailer for its
upcoming documentary on Bill Gates, the cofounder of Microsoft. It is a
three-part affair, which a release date set for September 20.
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The documentary is called Inside Bill’s
Brain: Decoding Bill Gates.
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And it has a simple goal of exploring the
mind of one of the most famous business icons of our time. It focuses on his
ruthless past as CEO of Microsoft, as well as his present as a philanthropist
and humanitarian.
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Check out the trailer below:
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wp:core-embed/youtube {“url”:”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCv29JKmHNY”,”type”:”video”,”providerNameSlug”:”youtube”,”className”:”wp-embed-aspect-16-9 wp-has-aspect-ratio”} >
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Oscar-winning documentary director Davis
Guggenheim, who was also the force behind acclaimed efforts like An Inconvenient Truth, Waiting for “Superman”, and He Named Me Malala, has
enlisted Gates as a participant in this docuseries.
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He sits down for multiple interviews,
discusses his supposed turn in personality. At the very least, his priorities
have changed, and he is not a tough, demanding boss that revolutionized the
world of PCs.
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You also have a series of narrators giving their take on the way Gates’ mind works. It is not yet known, whether all three parts of this documentary series will be made available at the same time at the streaming service.
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But September 20 is not all that far away, and this should make for quality viewing, both for fans of Microsoft and students of businesses.
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