Gartner, the WinNT era is comig to an end soon. In their opinion, Windows 8 will mark the beginning of a new Windows RT(Run Time) era. Windows Runtime library (WinRT) is the heart of system services for applications in Windows 8 that will be designed to incorporate the new “Metro” style WinRT supports development in C++ (usually with Component Extensions, C++/CX) and the managed languages C# and VB.NET, as well as JavaScript. Programs can be written using Windows Runtime that will run on both the Intel and ARM editions of Windows 8 without modification. But the Gartner analysts are predicting that with the coming of Windows 8, the value of desktop legacy apps will decrease. They are predicting that WinRT will keep Microsoft relevant in a future that will be dominated by mobile devices. Microsoft has positioned WinRT as its strategic platform for new development. Gartner analysts see Windows 8 as a major technology shift. This shift is somewhat similar to the shift from DOS to NT.
“Windows 8 is the start of Microsoft’s effort to respond to market demands and competitors, as it provides a common interface and programming API set from phones to servers. It is also the beginning of the end of Win32 applications on the desktop,” said Michael Silver, vice president and distinguished analyst at Gartner. “Microsoft will continue to support Win32, but it will encourage developers to write more manageable and engaging applications using WinRT.”I totally agree with their analysis. What about you?]]>
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