Despite the arrival of the Fall Creators Update, Windows 10 only increased its market share by a smidgeon last month, growing its market share by less than a single percent.
More specifically, the OS went from 29.09% to 29.26%.
This, according to the NetMarketShare, which listed the latest version of the operating system as the second most used operating system in the world. Behind Windows 7, that is, which is still declining by the way.
Fall Creators Update was only available for the last 13 days of October, but it is also being rolled out in stages. Meaning, even if some users liked the features that are part of this new update, their only way in was to get this version directly.
Manually, that is.
Speaking of versions, Windows 7 is now powering 46.63% of desktop computers worldwide, down from the 47.21% that ware recorded the month before. So, while Windows 10 increase its share by 0.17%, Windows 7 declined its by 0.53%
In other words, the latest and greatest version of Windows actually managed to reduce the gap quite substantially this month.
Still a long way to go before Windows 10 becomes the new leader, but at least it is on the right track.