Windows 10x FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

May 12, 2020
Windows 10X FAQ

So this site is dedicated to Windows 10x and it’s important that we create a Windows 10x FAQ.

With Frequently Asked Questions, we can start to explain and outline what Windows 10x is and what it is not.

Let’s get started.

The Windows 10x FAQ

What is Windows 10x?

Windows 10X is a new edition of Windows 10 designed for dual-screen devices like Microsoft’s upcoming Surface Neo, but it’s more than that. It’s a new Windows operating system that will actually be coming to laptops and single screen devices soon.

Why was Windows 10X developed?

Windows 10X is being developed to power next generation of computers which are dual-screen and fold-able devices. Existing versions/editions of Windows 10 can’t support all features of these devices, that’s why Windows 10X has been developed. It’ll allow users to utilize all features and functionality of these next generation devices.

How is Windows 10x different from Windows 10?

Windows 10X will run traditional Win32 desktop apps, but it will run them in a container. Windows 10X will also run Univeral Windows Apps (UWP) and Progressive Web Apps (PWA), and it will also run those in containers.

All classic Win32 desktop apps will run in a single, combined container. They remain isolated from your core Windows operating system and can’t cause crashes or security problems. App developers won’t have to make any changes—Win32 apps will “just work” with Windows 10X.

windows 10x containers

Windows 10x containers

There are some limitations that come along with this simplified environment. System tray icons, File Explorer add-ins, desktop startup programs, and “global hooks” for capturing mouse and keyboard actions when an application is in the background aren’t supported. Background tasks might be suspended by the operating system, too.

Will Windows 10x replace Windows 10?

No. Windows 10x is not designed as a replacement but designed to be an alternative Operating System to Windows 10. It will be a different choice or option.

Will Windows 10x be free?

Not that we know of. It will probably come installed on PC’s but it’s too early to tell.

Will Windows 10X be hard to use?

No. It’ll be basically same as current Windows 10 and you’ll get similar UI (user experience) but with some changes specifically designed for dual-screen and folding devices. If you are using Windows 10 at the moment, you should face no problems in trying Windows 10X in future.

How do I upgrade to Windows 10x?

Right now, you don’t. Microsoft is still developing Windows 10x and it’s not clear whether you will be able to upgrade to or from the Operating System. This may change but for now this remains true.

How do I download Windows 10x?

Right now, you don’t. Microsoft is still developing Windows 10x and it’s not clear whether you will be able to download Windows 10x.

How do I install Windows 10x?

It’s not clear but if it’s an alternate version of Windows 10, Windows 10x might be available as a Windows ISO file but it’s hard to know if that will indeed be the case.

Why didn’t Microsoft develop a brand new OS for next generation devices instead?

Microsoft tried with Windows 10 mobile and Windows RT in past but it was not successful. Developing a brand new operating system from scratch requires lots of time and manpower. The current version of Windows 10 already supports all kind of devices and modifying it to support next generation of devices was a better and more efficient idea.

Why did Microsoft create Windows 10x?

In a nutshell, it was an attempt to make the Windows Operating System a little easier to update and manage for dual screen devices. Microsoft recognized that dual screen laptops and tablets didn’t quite work optimally with Windows 10. Windows 10x has a few enhancements to make use a little easier.

What are some of the features of Windows 10x?

Dual screen support – the OS will be designed with two screens in mind. Facial recognition will be enhanced with Windows Hello. No live tiles, a modern file explorer, enhanced battery life, a new type of Start Menu and more. Learn more here.

What is the Windows 10x release date?

We have no idea. Coming soon though. Microsoft have been very clear that it’s a priority for the company.

The Windows 10x Developer FAQ

How is this different from developing for Windows 10?

For the majority of applications, it’s not different at all. Writing Windows 10X apps is supported through the Windows 10 SDK. As an expression of Windows 10, Windows 10X supports Windows Runtime (WinRT) APIs and runs Win32 apps through a native container. You can then call new APIs specifically designed for dual-screen devices from your new or existing UWP or Win32 apps, allowing them to access the features and benefits of this new platform.

Does this replace desktop Windows 10?

No. Windows 10X will release in parallel to desktop releases of Windows 10. Desktop releases of Windows 10 will continue to provide enhancements and improvements to the modern desktop application story. Windows 10X is another platform optimized to support dual-screen platforms.

When will Windows 10X be released?

Windows 10X will be released to accompany the Surface Neo and other third-party dual-screen devices in late 2020.

When can I start development for Windows 10X?

You can download the Microsoft Emulator and the Windows 10X Emulator Image today. We will continue to improve this emulator, and complement it with support for other Windows 10X-enabled devices. These emulators, combined with prerelease versions of the Windows SDK, will allow you to develop for Windows 10X before the first dual-screen device is publicly released.

Will my Universal Windows Platform (UWP) apps run on Windows 10X?

Most UWP apps are fully supported on Windows 10X, and function on devices running Windows 10X without any changes. All WinRT APIs are supported, as are most other features UWP apps have access to. As the prerelease development continues, we will release documentation detailing other unsupported features.

Will my Win32 apps run on Windows 10X?

Windows 10X provides native support to run Win32 apps in a contained environment. Most Win32 apps can be run and debugged on a Windows 10X device without incident, and you can also use new Win32 APIs to add dual-screen support to your app.

Are there any features of my app that won’t work on Windows 10X?

As Windows 10X continues its prerelease development, we will release documentation highlighting its specific limitations. However, the contained environment used to run Win32 apps does not include the Windows Shell, and thus Shell extensions and similar features won’t be supported. Similarly, Windows 10X devices don’t support APIs related to certain system settings, such as power-use options.

If I enhance my app with Windows 10X features, will it still run on devices running desktop Windows 10?

Apps designed for Windows 10X still work on devices that run the desktop version of Windows 10, though these new Windows APIs won’t be added to desktop versions of Windows 10 until the next major version update. Just as if you were developing an app supported on multiple versions of desktop Windows 10, follow adaptive coding best practices to ensure that your app works gracefully on both 10X and desktop Windows 10.

Stay tuned for more…

Article Categories:
Windows 10x

Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.