Windows No Longer Public Target Number One For Cybercriminals

December 4, 2012

Security Threat Report 2013 that just saw light of the day, the security experts at the company explain how Windows is no longer the main concern of cybercriminals — the growth of Mac and Android platforms has opened up, shall we say, new horizons for these wee devils? Of course, the little fact that Microsoft has invested heavily to improve the security of its operating system has also played its part. And this obviously is something that can be built upon. Result? Windows 8 is without doubt the most secure operating system on the planet. The company noted:

“In 2012, we saw attackers extend their reach to more platforms, from social networks and cloud services to Android mobile devices. We saw them respond to new security research findings more rapidly, and leverage zero-day exploits more effectively”.
The next year, however, will see these attacks aimed at a wider variety of platforms.
“Security really is about more than Microsoft. The PC remains the biggest target for malicious code today, yet criminals have created effective fake antivirus attacks for the Mac. Malware creators are also targeting mobile devices as we experience a whole new set of operating systems with different security models and attack vectors”.
And Windows 8 is on another level of secure compared to Windows 7, owing to the fact that it makes do without the desktop gadgets and the inclusion of Windows Defender as a dedicated antivirus solution.
“Once, almost everyone ran Windows. Attackers attacked Windows. Defenders defended Windows. Those days are gone”.

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Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.