37% Of Organizations Now Use AI In Some Form

January 25, 2019

Gartner is here with its 2019 CIO Survey, which suggests that an inspiring 37% of the organizations that it quizzed are now employing artificial intelligence (AI) in one form or another.

As the market research firm highlights, it survey took answers from more than 3000 Chief Information Officers (CIO) from across major industries in 89 countries. And it reveals how the significant maturing of the technology has given enterprises more confidence about using it.

So much so that that the use of AI by enterprises has tripled in the past year.

Christ Howard, a distinguished research vice president at Gartner discusses the findings:

“Four years ago, AI implementation was rare, only 10 percent of survey respondents reported that their enterprises had deployed AI or would do so shortly. For 2019, that number has leapt to 37 percent — a 270 percent increase in four years. If you are a CIO and your organization doesn’t use AI, chances are high that your competitors do and this should be a concern.”


Some common uses of artificial intelligence in the enterprise space include chatbots, computer-assisted diagnostics, fraud protection, and consumer fragmentation.

Gartner Research Circle Survey also found some interesting stats for those looking to work in AI.

No less than 54% of respondents view skill shortage as the biggest challenge for their organization. And this shortage of labor means that people getting into the field will have a favorable job landscape now and in the upcoming future.

Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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