A Third Of Windows 10 Users Still Don’t Have The Creators Update

September 6, 2017

Say, what’s up with this very slow rollout? It has been months since the Creators Update rollout began, but a large portion of Windows 10 users are still waiting to be offered the update.

From April till September, the pace of the Creators Update rollout has been glacial.

A few notches slower than its predecessor, the Anniversary Update.

Microsoft has already penciled in the launch date of its successor, the Fall Creators Update, which is set to launch on October 17. But despite that, more than a third of Windows 10 users still do not have access to the Creators Update.

Or they do, and have not yet upgraded.

That’s because, while Microsoft only makes each upgrade available to systems it considers compatible, a lot of this has also got to do with the end users, and whether they are ready to upgrade to a new version of the operating system.

And according to the latest numbers from AdDuplex, the advertising network that keeps tabs on the Windows ecosystem on a monthly basis, some 65.6% of users have made the jump to the Creators Update, up from the 50.1% it recorded in July.

But that still means that 34.4% of Windows 10 users have not deployed this update, despite that fact that Redmond has made it available to all, a month or so ago.

The slow rollout can be seen as a bit of an embarrassment to Microsoft, particularly when you consider a lot of it is down to hardware issues.

For example, the last time AdDuplex looked, just 18% of Surface Pro 3 devices were running it, which clearly hinted that some important compatibility problems remained for users of this tablet. The holdup has been sort out now, as the Creators Update now powers over 60% of Surface Pro 3 devices.

That said, similar issues are abound for certain devices and hardware configurations.

Hopefully, Microsoft is able to clear them up before it launches the Fall Creators Update, as leaving these users behind on two major updates will only lead to more problems.

Article Categories:
Microsoft · Strategy · Windows 10

Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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