case to bring Cortana to the Windows platform, Microsoft, it appears have just taken the first steps. The early signs are all there. Yes, I am talking about the newest improvements that are set to be part of the Bing Smart Search feature on Windows 8.1. The ones that allow users to look for information on their PCs using natural phrases instead of keywords. And while Microsoft is, up until now, yet to comment on the possibility of seeing Cortana on its flagship platforms, there are voices that Cortana on Windows could be a reality very soon. The updated Bing Smart Search is now capable of better providing suggestions and related search queries in order to get things done faster. Now, admittedly these are just the search options that are being optimized to exist alongside Cortana in the operating system, but this very idea of making searching more natural is, essentially, a very big part of what the digital assistant is all about. Plus, it would not just help keep things organized a bit better on Windows devices, an integration like this could also aid Microsoft in competing against the other OS rivals. Digital assistants are already available on Android and iOS tablets. Windows powered tablets are next. And so is Windows.]]>
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Bing · Cortana · Digital Assistant · Microsoft · Opinions · Smart Search · Strategy · Windows 8.1
All Comments
Microsoft needs to install Cortana in Windows RT and Windows 8….. this year after it comes out of beta status. Would be good on every platform. Imagine not having to by Dragon software for voice dictation. Its built in.
Sounds like a cool idea. And it definitely makes sense to put in on a Surface. It is a mobile device, and this is a mobile digital assistant. Eventually it should come to all modern Windows OS
Cortana has the potential to change the game and boost Mirosoft’s mobile presence. I wouldn’t be shocked if we see it by September of this year.
I think it’ll be out before the end of 2015. Cortana could change Windows’ mobile reputation.
Good idea only if it works perfectly. Otherwise, it will be another joke from naysayers.
Interesting. Are you suggesting that Bing Smart Search will be affiliated or integrated with Cortana? It would make sense, so I wouldn’t doubt it.
There seems to be a confusion of a fearful sort, when it comes to the usage of “Very soon” and “Finally” 😉