caught on camera. And although the original photos simply state that this is not the Lumia 620, the device seems quite similar to its predecessor, the Lumia 520. Here, take a look at these two images: [gallery columns="2" link="file" ids="67947,67948"] The smartphone features a candy bar design, and according to previous hints on the matter, will offer dual SIM and dual standby support. A Qualcomm Snapdragon 200 processor is apparently paired with, once again, only 512MB RAM. Which makes it okay for an entry level smartphone, but there are several apps and games on the Windows Phone Store that offer no (or limited) support for devices with 512MB of memory. Anyway, if it is indeed the Lumia 530, then it should arrive on the market in the next month or so, with an estimated price tag of $180 outright. This very much puts it just above the Nokia X2 and other members of the Android family that come bearing the Microsoft logo. Do keep in mind that these are unconfirmed reports, so anything can change between now and release.]]>
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A lot of rumors flying around today… Another case for me, where I want to believe it, but who knows. It looks how I would expect it to look though.
Who leaked this image? Seems rather suspicious to me..