started work on a cloud-based version of Windows. And what’s more, this is to be offered completely free to users — with room for paid premium features as subscriptions, of course. But essentially, users will be getting Windows as a Service (WAAS) on their chosen device. Or devices. Now, before someone quips about Chromebooks, yes, this notion is similar, but not entirely unexpected. Some very early rumors pointed to this being Windows 10, a completely cloud powered experience. The big question, friends and foes, is whether this is something you would bite? Do you see yourself, running a cloud powered operating system? I am sure Microsoft would want to put in a substantial amount of offline features, or at least tools and options that work when Internet access is unavailable. But the core experience will rain from the clouds. So then, this is the place to talk about it. Are you guys and gals ready for Windows Cloud? Or if given a choice, same feature set, would you still choose the traditional option of a paid standard, by the books operating system? Let’s get those keyboards working, shall we?]]>
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Obviously, this is something I’d be open to. However, I’ll have to see WAY more details before I declare it a yes. Hopefully this works better than Chromebook looks.
True details are what are missing at this point, and we just have the ChromeOS or Chrombeooks to compare to. Either way, if this comes to fruition, I am sure a cloud version of Windows will be way ahead in feature set and functionality.
And for companies, it would mean constant upgrades, and no more end of support type of thing, and all that. Thanks for the comment!
Being in South Korea the most connected country in the world having the fastest internet connection in the world along with some of the least expensive wireless plans, and most people caring mobile devices. I think I could be all for this for perhaps for my Tablet, Laptop and perhaps my Windows Phone as long as I had the option of locally storing on my device.
South Korea is really out of this world when it comes to Internet access, bandwidth, surely. Deserved leaders. Though you make a good point about locally storing files and documents, that’s a must!
Thanks for the comment, bud, keep them coming.
At this point in time, I don’t think I’d run an exclusive cloud based OS. The technology would have to improve immensely for me to consider it at this point.
Technology and functionality, both, Steve. I don’t think I’m interested in a fully cloud based operating system too, without traditional features. Though we do need a lot more details on this, admittedly.
I recall that when these reports first came out, last year, it was mentioned that this was primarily aimed at business users and enterprises. Let’s see which way the wind blows.
With such slow and expensive internet here in my country, no I am not ready for this.
That’s an important point. As an American, I think a lot of us just assume the internet is fast almost everywhere now. This could work in some areas, but it’s very far from being doable globally.
So very true. Apart from speed ping issues are another consideration. And price too. Speedier packages cost quite a lot in some countries, with ridiculous data caps, at that.
DSL lines are another matter, the world is moving much faster towards wireless cellular connectivity, and these might not be a good fit for a truly cloud OS, depending on how it is designed.
Appreciate the comment!
The problem is more and more software is being migrated into cloud. The software part is advancing but the hardware and infrastructure lags behind at least in my country.
Well put, a very important consideration, which I am sure Microsoft is taking into account at this early stage of planning and development.
Would this be cheaper, costlier, or the same price? I think that would make a huge difference. Unless it’s cheaper, I don’t see the upside of it at this point in time.
Yeah, a lot will depend on these dynamics. I can see it being cheaper, a monthly fixed cost, or maybe even free (with ads).
But here’s hoping Microsoft does not take away the option of traditional software, the way we have come to know and love our operating systems. Let’s hope for the best!
I’m not sure how I feel about this, but I guess it’s good as an OPTION for some people. I wouldn’t want this to be the only way to get Windows
Yeah, my point exactly, wouldn’t be the brightest idea of making this the only option. I guess companies might eat something like this up. End users, not a much. We’ll see.
I’m simply offline too much for something like this
This will be one of these things where Microsoft was ten years or more ahead of the world that failed, yet someone (Apple) will probably do it better. That timeline takes into account Windows 10. We are in no way, shape, or form ready for a full blown cloud OS this decade if ever. Sorry, but you’ll never get me to go along with building a PC only to lay down a monthly fee to use it which inevitably it will become.
Guys like Adobe think they’re the future and its more about locking you into an AOL style garden while milking more money out of folks. The idea of syncronisity is just a guise for the real agenda.
Some very valid points you make, Bruce. Maybe 10 years down the road when Internet connectivity improves worldwide? But I just hope it’s just an option for users, similar to Office 365.
I still prefer a traditional version of Windows to power my PCs. Really appreciate your comment, though, keep them coming!
I wouldn’t find too much of a use of this on my Desktop, plus I’m a gamer (MMOs mainly) and I don’t think a cloud powered OS would run well for online gaming.
I probably would only try it for home use that I know will have constant internet connection.