BBM For Windows Phone Now In Open Beta

July 11, 2014

appearance on the Windows Phone Store recently, only to be tagged as a private beta. And now BlackBerry has provided more details, while at the same time making it available as an open beta for users interested in testing it out. And yes, applications are being accepted, in case you are interested. In a recent post on the official BlackBerry blog, Jeff Gadway, the head of product and brand marketing for BBM said that users can now head over to the Beta Zone to register their application:

“The BBM team here at BlackBerry has been busy getting BBM for Windows Phone ready to go. We’re preparing for an external beta ahead of our launch and are ready to start accepting applications to participate. Now remember, this is a beta and our expectation is that participants will help us make BBM for Windows Phone great by actively participating. If you’re not ready to report bugs, respond to surveys and provide feedback – better to wait just a bit longer for the full release.”
Which, hopefully, goes live later this month. The stable version of BBM for Windows Phone is expected to arrive with all the features and capabilities that are offered to users on other mobile platforms — including BBM Chats, BBM Groups, private chat options, and a variety of different ways to share content. A native, clean user interface, in line with the Modern UI of the Windows Phone should complete an appealing experience for fans. You can point your browsers to the BlackBerry Beta Zone to sign up.]]>

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Windows Phone Blue

Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.

All Comments

  • Looks great. BBM is still Blackberry’s best work overall. Windows Phone users should all be delighted. I wouldn’t be surprised if this is super popular.

    Randy A July 11, 2014 12:17 pm Reply
  • Any initial feedback on how this beta version is going for the WP? I used to love BBM, but I don’t want to commit until I know it’s working well and worth it still.

    JohnnyB July 11, 2014 4:36 pm Reply

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