Bing is Asking You to Break Up With Google This Valentine’s Day

February 5, 2013

With Valentine’s Day approaching, Bing has decided to once again go after Google Search. So what’s the latest plan? This time around, Microsoft is asking “what do you consider the most important quality in a partner?”
Microsoft ran a survey and then had this to say about the results:

“A surprising one in 10 people have ended a relationship on arguably the most romantic day of the year. This year Bing is challenging people to reconsider their search habit and break up with Google. You wouldn’t keep dating someone who isn’t trustworthy, so why use a search engine known for serving its interests over your own? In fact, a whopping 85 percent of people report that trustworthiness is the most important trait in a mate, beating out good in bed, sense of humor and wealth.”

While Microsoft’s anti-Google campaigns have had a way of misfiring on them pretty badly, I think this one is actually rather witty and clever. It doesn’t hurt that a recent survey indicates that out of the top twenty most trusted companies for handling your privacy, Apple and Google aren’t even on the list– and yet for the first time Microsoft is.

In the campaign to bring in new users this Valentine’s day, Microsoft pointed out several reasons why they think you should make the switch from Google:

Not all is fair in love and search. Whether you’re searching for a cuddly teddy bear or a diamond bracelet for your sweetheart, Google Shopping displays ads only from merchants that pay for ranking. Bing offers honest results so you get the best deals from across the Web.

  • Bing takes the initiative. Bing’s Snapshot feature includes one-click access for booking reservations or buying tickets so you have more time for doing and spend less time searching.
  • Bing keeps you and your friends connected. Skip search engines that keep you locked in their system and isolated from your friends. Bing brings all your friends from Facebook into its social search and leverages experts and enthusiasts from Twitter. Just last month there were new updates to the social sidebar, which mean even more available content from your Facebook friends right within your search. Looking for a fun, new restaurant for a night out with your single friends? A quick search on Bing will show you not only great Web results but also which friends have liked those search results and posted status updates, comments, photos and more about them, so you can easily find out if they are right for you.
  • Bing won’t spoil your sweetheart’s surprise. Just one click on “History Off” allows you to search in peace while you’re looking for gift ideas and more. Bing gives you the same trust you give it.
  • Bing showers you with tokens of affection. Just for searching, Bing Rewards lets you earn Amazon and Starbucks gift cards, free Xbox LIVE and Hulu Plus subscriptions, and even donations to charities. How can you say no to that?

I’ll be honest. I’ve jumped on the Microsoft train pretty hard of late with adopting early to Windows 7 and Windows 8, both. What I haven’t done is switch away from Google. I have started to attempt to change that. For the last week or so I’ve been using Bing for about 75% of my searches both while working and during my freetime.

So far? I like what I see. They’ve come along way from MSN Search and other older Microsoft attempts at search engines.
What do you think of Bing, have you made the switch? If not, what’s keeping you from giving it a try over Google?

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Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.

All Comments

  • Hell no Google all the way

    Brian February 5, 2013 3:07 pm Reply
  • I have tried to use Bing, but so far its not working for me. Im so used to google and how it works that it would be hard for me to switch. Microsoft would have to introduce a killer feature to Bing to make me want to switch.

    xinu February 5, 2013 3:10 pm Reply
  • I’ve been using Bing for well over a year. Google’s “Don’t be evil” motto became such an obscenity.

    Misterbear Fapp February 5, 2013 10:35 pm Reply
  • I have been using Bing since day 1 and it never fails me.

    WillyThePooh February 5, 2013 11:12 pm Reply

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