Ccna Courses -how To Find Administrator Password In Windows Xp And Windows Vista

March 7, 2018

Microsoft windows systems (XP and VISTA etc) all have an Administrator Account, this type of an account is one having elevated privileges access. Administrator Account can not be deleted it has a password commonly called Administrator Password with which one can easily access the Administrator Account.

Usually Administrator Password is not required very often, thats because you really dont have to logon to Administrator Account to use your computer. Its only needed when you are accessing the Windows Recovery tools or when ever you are trying to boot in to Windows Safe mode else this password is not required.
This guide will help you to find Administrator Passwords in Windows VISTA and Windows XP.
Method 1:
Follow these basic steps:
Step 1:
Leaving Password Blank:
Leave the password blank.
Click Enter
Step 2:
Entering Password to YOUR account:
Enter Password
Depending on the Windows XP and Windows VISTA setup, primary user account that you use everyday is also the administrator user account, which means your user account is one with administrator access.
Method 2:
Remembering your Administrator Password:
Administrator Password is usually set during the windows installation process, so if you have done windows installation yourself then it will be easy for you to make a quick guess.

Method 3:
Multiple User Accounts:
If you have multiple users accessing your computer having their own user accounts then have these users enter their passwords because its possible that one of them may have the access to the Administrator Account.
Method 4:
Use Password Recovery Tools:
Password Recovery tools determines the password, these tools make a super fast guess and keeps on guessing until the Administrator Password is fully recovered or reset completely.
(You can easily find these software programs on internet for free)
Method 5:
Re-Installation of Windows:
This last option is not recommended as it will take time. This type of installation completely removes Windows from your computer.
Install your Windows again on your PC. But first make a back up for all your data.
Ways to RESET your Administrator Password:
Use the Sticky Keys trick to reset the Windows Vista, and Windows XP password
Get a commercial password reset tool
Use the free NTPWEdit tool to reset the Windows password
Use the free Kon-Boot tool to remove Windows passwords and then reset your Administrator password again
Get Petter Nordhal-Hagens free ntpasswd tool to reset the Windows password

Joe Spoto is a senior lecturer at Commsupport networks
in the United Kingdom. Joe teaches Cisco CCNA, CCNP, CCVP
courses when he is not out on the road fixing and building
networks, if you want to find out more about what we do at
Commsupport please visit us at CCNA
Commsupport run free one day training sessions and free on-line
webinars, CCNA

Article Categories:
Windows 10

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