Court Upholds The Microsoft Samsung Lawsuit

November 20, 2014

ahead of it in the United States. Trouble started not too long ago when Microsoft sued Samsung for defaulting on its Android royalties for the year 2013, which were paid at a later date without interest. The company however believes that Redmond’s takeover of Nokia’s devices and services unit, which was finalized earlier this year, breached the 2011 contract between it and Microsoft, as this acquisition made Microsoft a direct competitor of the company. Rendering the partnership colluded. Samsung even filed an antitrust complaint against Microsoft at the beginning of November, even with certain signs that both technology giants could have settled the dispute amicably. The US District Court of Southern New York has just confirmed that the lawsuit will proceed, with Microsoft claiming that Samsung still owes it $6.9 million in unpaid Android royalties. Both companies are yet to comment on this latest development. But it is one to watch.]]>

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Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.

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