Customers Who Choose Google Often End Up Unhappy, Says Microsoft

May 28, 2013

Boy, Microsoft seems to launch direct attacks on Google on almost weekly basis. This time the software titan has released a statement saying that its own services are bunch better than its rival based in Mountain View.

This follows Redmond’s popular Scroogled efforts where the technology titan bashed everything from Google’s app policy to its online ads. And now a senior Microsoft executive has emphasized that customers who choose Google services quite often end up unhappy.

So much so that may end up coming back to Microsoft’s very own services.

Oliver Roll, Microsoft’s General Manager for the Office Division talking to V3 said:

“Customers who ‘Go Google’ often end up unhappy and many decide to switch back to Microsoft, because Google’s browser-only approach can’t deliver the experience and capabilities people need at work.”

In other words, Redmond hopes that eventually most people will come back to its services.

And no surprises here, considering just how neck and neck both companies are in the fields of search engine, mobile operating systems, email platforms, even cloud computing infrastructures.

Google has not commented on this, and as is usually the case, probably will not. But Microsoft will most probably continue these attempts in order to convince technology uses to try and sign up for its services. Expect this kind of statements to continue in the months to follow.

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Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.

All Comments

  • True, I have 2 Android devices, several Google-accounts and even more regrets, their services are simply inferior to Microsoft’s (excluding Google Maps and YouTube, those are their only strong-points).

    Agosto Nuñez May 28, 2013 4:23 pm Reply
  • Both have “friend” tie-ins; Bing searches when you are connected to Facebook and the new Google Maps with your Google+/Gmail connections. SkyDrive kicks Google’s Drive ass and in no way does their Docs apps appeal to me. But, Google + is one of the best social platforms and MS has nothing like it.

    So, I use a combo of Google and Bing to search from depending on what I’m looking for, Google Maps, SkyDrive with its Office hook-in, Google+ and Flickr (Yahoo’s new version). Using a Nokia Lumia 928 and a HTC One, what else does one need? Maybe a tablet, but I’m more partial to the Surface Pro than anything Android offers.

    Rodney Longoria May 28, 2013 10:57 pm Reply

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