Download The Official Twitch App For Windows 10

August 11, 2017

Months of experiments and beta testing have led to this moment. The moment when the official Twitch app for Windows 10 has been made available for download.

It’s a desktop client, designed for both the Windows and Mac operating systems.

And along with the usual set of functions, namely every function available on the web, this program also includes a bunch of exclusive bells and whistles for desktop users to make the most of the popular video game streaming service.

As the blog post details, user interactions in the desktop client are notably faster than its web counterpart.

And if you want to see it in action, then this video does a good job briefly highlighting what the official Twitch app for Windows 10 brings to the table for users and content creators.

The desktop app features much of the same content that is available in the Twitch app on Xbox One, and other platforms. But one of the most notable features that are exclusive to this native app is the dark mode, that looks rather slick.

The company has also baked in video and voice chat support, introduce these neat features in this desktop program.

Plus, the new Servers features is something that Twitch users are sure to love. It will allow them to continue their interactions, even when the stream goes offline. Excellent additions, all these, really excellent.

You can check out the full details of these new features at the post linked above.

And download the app below.

Download: Twitch app for Windows

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