Download the official Windows 11 wallpaper

June 15, 2021

With Windows 11 all but confirmed, time to shift our attention to more pressing matters. Matters like where to download the official Windows 11 wallpaper that Microsoft has created for the new OS.

The build that leaked today not only offered us an early look at the upcoming operating system, it also gave us a taste of the revamped wallpaper that the company has crafted for what promises to be the biggest update to its operating platform in years.

Well, half a decade, technically.

The photo that you see below is likely to be the official one planned for Windows 11, though there is always a chance that Microsoft is only using this image for the test builds.

In other words, a different background could be used for the final version of the OS when it ships.

But for now, this is all we have.

And the wallpaper comes in two different versions — light and dark. This seems to suggest that Microsoft is taking a leaf out the macOS book in implementing two different styles for its new operating system depending on the user preference.

If this holds true, Windows 11 might be able to automatically switch from the light mode to the dark visual style based on the time of the day, thereby making the OS feel more dynamic.

That’s a confirmation for another day, though.

For now, we have this beautiful wallpaper available for your downloading pleasure, in two stylishly different variants. Each one 3840 x 2400 pixels, so that it can fit pretty much every resolution that your display supports.

Grab the images directly below.

Download: Windows 11 Wallpaper Light | Dark

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Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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