Edge 106 lands with more reliable web defenses

October 4, 2022

The Stable channel has been graced with Edge 106, the newest version of Microsoft’s web browser. This version brings with it a number of improvements in addition to the usual blend of policy updates.

The final build number for this update is 106.0.1370.34. The refresh brings two new feature updates: more reliable web defenses and more work results in the address bar. This release also includes a handful of policy updates.

As the changelog notes, the two new additions have to do with security and productivity.

First up is the enablement of a more reliable web defense that lets you browse the web more reliably thanks to some enhanced protection. This is due to the rewritten Microsoft Defender SmartScreen library for Microsoft Edge on Windows that was introduced with Edge 103.

By the same flip of the coin, the NewSmartScreenLibraryEnabled policy is now deprecated in Edge 106 and will become obsolete by the time Edge 107 strolls around.

The second new addition relates to increased work results in the Microsoft Edge address bar. Microsoft has increased the maximum number of work results displayed in the address bar from 2 to 4, saying that this will offer greater visibility into the work content available to you as you search.

This feature requires the AddressBarMicrosoftSearchInBingProviderEnabled policy enabled to work.

The rest are policy updates, the details of which you can gather from the changelog linked above. We have 3 new policies enabled, 2 deprecated, and 2 obsoleted.

If Microsoft Edge is installed on your system, you can update your web browser easily via Settings and More > Help and Feedback> About Microsoft Edge.

A fresh copy of Edge is also up for grabs from the official website.

Article Categories:
Edge · Featured · Features · Launch · Security

Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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