This Edge Extension Adds In The Classic IE Menu Bar

February 19, 2020
Edge Menu Bar Addon

The new Chromium powered Edge is in town, winning friends and influencing people. Even people who loved and used the classic IE have made the switch to this new solution.

However, while the browser is excellent in almost all aspects, there are some thing that fans of the good old Internet Explorer may miss. One such feature is the fan favorite Menu Bar that was very widely used on the old web browser.

This is something that has not been available on the new Edge.

Until now.

One enterprising developer, a web browser expert that goes by the name of Stefan Van Damme is here with an addon that will get you those warm, fuzzy feeling if you have been using Internet Explorer for a considerable amount of time.

It brings the classic Menu Bar to the new Edge, a proper Menu Bar to make life easier.

As explained:

“Since the years of Microsoft Internet Explorer, everyone uses and loves to navigate with the classic menu bar. That includes the menu items File, Edit, View, History, Bookmarks, Window, and Help. So they can get quick access to the menu for editing and printing a web page. However, that menu bar is not available anymore in the new Microsoft Edge web browser.”

And this is how it looks:

Edge Menu Bar Addon

Love it, love it!

It certainly makes the experience with the browser a little bit more familiar — particularly for those folks who are now making the switch over from Windows 7 to Windows 10 and want something that evokes their previous usage habits on IE.

The extension is available free of charge, and can be downloaded from here.

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Marcus is a technologist, speaker, educator and writer from New York. He has a passion for how technology influences business. Marcus has over 30 years of experience in technology. He eats too much, and loves to sit in front of his computer.