Edge Now Has Two-Page Layouts For PDFs

November 4, 2020
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A new Canary build of Edge is up for grabs, and this new version of the web browser brings a few new additions, prime among them is an ability that was in the legacy version of Edge.

That being two-page layouts for PDF files.

It was not too long ago that Microsoft announced that this feature was in development. And now the Canary version of the Edge offers this new “page view’ option to open PDF documents in a two-page view on a PC.

And as noted here, this feature is now rolling out.

Right now, the stable version of Edge only makes it possible to view one page at a time, and users need to scroll down to flip pages. And this makes working with PDF files quite a hassle — particularly for folks that deal with them round the clock.

This new feature is not enabled by default, so you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Open Microsoft Edge Canary.
  2. Type edge://flags#edge-pdf-two-page-view in the address bar.
  3. Use the dropdown menu to enable the Enable two page view for PDF
  4. Finally, restart the browser to apply the changes.

Just be sure that you are using the new version, build 88.0.688.0 or later.

The Chromium version of Microsoft Edge has offered solid PDF support for a long time, but it lagged behind the legacy version in terms of capabilities. This was a bit of a letdown, more so considering the fact that other Chromium based browsers are pretty capable when it comes to PDF viewing.

This limited set of options forced users to look for alternative apps for their needs.

With this new feature, Redmond has taken a step forward to ensure that PDF files open in its browser without the need to use online services or third-party applications.

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Edge · Software

Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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