Firefox For Windows 10 On ARM Is Now In Preview

January 12, 2019

Mozilla may not be all too happy with Edge switching to the Chromium rendering engine, but that is not stopping the company from bringing Firefox to Windows 10 on ARM powered devices.

We recently discovered the displeasure, but that came around the same time the renewed focus for Windows 10 on ARM powered devices surface. And Firefox was one of the few big-name apps that was said to be in development for these machines.

Unlike other firms, Mozilla has embraced the ARM64 architecture for its browser.

On the Windows side of things, that is.

The first preview of the browser on Windows 10 on ARM devices is currently in the nightly development stage. This is certainly a bit of a milestone, even as these are very early days right now. In other words, lots of bugs are to be expected as work on this new browser picks up.

Mozilla itself actually warns that this initial release of the application differs from other nightly builds of Firefox — it has not even been included in the automated testing process that is typical when completing development of a new package.

Things are far too early right now.

Anyway, though users can already try out the ARM installer, there is s till a lot of work to be done for this flavor of Firefox. Several features do not currently work, even the crash reporter.

Still, it’s good to see Mozilla putting in the hours here.

Google is also believed to be working on such a project for its Chrome web browser, even as there is no official confirmation from the search engine giant on this.

Microsoft itself is pouring a lot of resources getting Windows 10 on ARM right, as is Qualcomm, the make of Snapdragon processors. The two companies will need all the help they can get to make this new platform more appealing for not just users but developers as well.

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Strategy · Windows 10

Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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