Forza Horizon 6 already in development

May 10, 2022

Because why not? There are racing games, and then there is the Forza Horizon series. The open-world racing title has been winning hearts and minds ever since it debuted on Xbox.

The most recent title in the series, Forza Horizon 5, was an instant success when it was released late last year. The game received universal acclaim and garnered over 10 million players just in its first week.

With this kind of success, it comes as no surprise that Microsoft and Xbox Game Studios are anxious to get started with the follow-up.

And get started they have, it seems.

A recent job posting by developer Playground Games for a level designer has revealed that the sixth installment in the Forza Horizon series is in development—almost certainly only in the pre-production stage at this early stage, with full-scale production beginning sooner rather than later.

Good stuff.

This listing comes barely six months after the launch of Forza Horizon 5, which shows Microsoft’s confidence in the series.

The listing notes that as a member of the design team on this AAA title, the level designer will be responsible for large sections of the game’s level design. He or she will also be tasked with mentoring and leading junior teammates.

Playground Games, of course, became part of what is now known as Xbox Game Studios in 2018. They are also developing the reboot of the classic franchise Fable.

Sensational company!

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Development · Featured · Games · Xbox

Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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