Google Play Store installed on Windows 11

August 25, 2022

The floodgates have opened! It was only a matter of time, but we have crossed a threshold. A threshold that will allow any and all Android apps to become available on Windows 11, including those from Google itself.

That’s because an enterprising developer has managed to deploy the official Google Play Store on Windows 11, unlocking the full potential of this new feature.

The feature in question is WSA, also known by its full name of Windows Subsystem for Android.

It is something that Microsoft is finally testing ahead of its eventual launch. Insiders in the United States were allowed to try out a limited number of Android apps on their Windows 11 devices last week, in a bid to collect feedback and optimize further.

While the end goal was to make a selection of Android apps and games available on Windows 11 on the Microsoft Store via a partnership with the Amazon Appstore, someone has found a way around this.

Developer ADeltaX revealed on Twitter that they found a way to install both Google Play services and the Google Play Store on the Windows Subsystem for Android. This essentially makes almost any app available on Windows 11.

This is how things look:

The project has been detailed on GitHub, under the name of WSAGAScript.


That said, it is clearly not something for beginners. Unless you know exactly what you are doing, you are advised to stay away from it. But the instructions are available for those who can wade their way through this technical domain.

If you can wait, the readme section will soon be updated with simpler instructions and more details.

Lastly, the developer notes that the script is still a work in progress, so bugs and issues are to be expected as they are ironed out.

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Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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